Components at the ER

A list of components available for checkout from the ITP equipment room. Unlike the components in the shop, these are not expendable, and should be returned. But if you want to get a feel for how they’ll work in your project before you buy one of your own, then check them out from the equipment room.

Pcomp Accessories in Equipment Room

Name Quantity
Arduino 101 62
Micro 1
Uno 6
MKR1000 18
Starter Kit 2
Raspberry Pi 3
Raspberry Pi Camera 1
Feather Huzzah ESP8266 28
Feather Basic Proto 47
Flora 5
XBee Radio Module 15
USB Adapter 26
Breakout Board 5
9 V battery holder 3
5.25V 2.4A Power Supply 4
DC adaper jack 2
RF ID Reader specifications 2
IR sensor datasheet 1
Bluefruit EZlink vendor page 1
Little Bits Arduino vendor page 4
Accelerometer vendor page
Range Finder datasheet
FSR (Large) Sensor 2
FSR (Small) Sensor 33
Flex Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor 2
Stretch Sensor 1
Door Sensor vendor page 0
Sensor Tag wiki 22
Ethernet Shield 2
Proto Shield 1
Beagle Board 1
Bone 2
Polar Heart Reference
AVR(?) 2
Heatit 2
DSO Nano 6
Super Bright LED Yellow 16
Blue 9
Red 20
Neopixel datasheet 34+
Stepper Motor Servo 0
6 wire Stepper (general guide) 8
Power tail  4
Wire Switch very similar to this in principle 9
Micro 10
Vernier Temperature Probe vendor page
Solar Panel Grade B 1
Joystick  2 Axis 1
Ble nano 1
Ble nano kit 19
RFduino w/ adapter 6
w/o adapter 3
Bluetooth modules 0