This page contains links to a few templates for commonly used design files. For more templates and construction designs, see See the ITP Fab site,
Arduino Uno and small breadboard base. This design is based on Oomlout’s original design, widened to give a bit more space for both components. Breadboard base in SVG or Breadbnoard base in Illustrator CS6 format.
Small Breadboard Box. This design fits a small breadboard with a potentiometer or rotary encoder and some 3mm and 5mm LEDs. Can be made from thin cardboard or mat board. Breadboard box in SVG or Breadboard box in Illustrator CS6 format.
Shaft template for DC Gearbox motors. This design fits the shaft of the gearbox used in the DAGU DC gearbox motor kits. These kits can be found from many vendors, including Sparkfun’s Hobby Motor and Encoder kit, their Hobby Motor kit, their Ardumoto Shield kit, and Adafruit’s DC Gearbox Motor. Motor Shaft Template in SVG format.