The Ghost

April Liu

An interactive video installation using holograms to create a space where the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds meet, overlap and bleed together.


This project aims to create a space where the digital world meets the real world, bleeds into it and overlaps with it. Based on and inspired by the existing technologies and works that have been previously done by artists in the field of projection mapping, I would like to explore more about how we can bridge over from traditional video arts to the reality (real places, physical objects), and what roles can the audience play in communicating the two ends.



ITP Photo Booth

Rebecca Skurnik

An ITP Photo booth for the Spring Show



To remember ITP and your memories here at our 721 Broadway location, come take your pictures at the ITP Photo booth.

The photo booth is actually a prank. I will put speakers into the booth, and will be speaking to people inside the booth through my website/peer.js. I will use text to speech to tell them funny things that will cause them to make funny expressions. In that moment, I will either capture the canvas or print their photo through a wifi printer and they will see the results of their facial reaction to the prank.




Helen Tang



Kawari, 2019.

Video Sculpture, Mirror mosaic pieces on white foam board.

1-minute-video projection on a loop

Kawari is a video sculpture piece about looking for things that are missing and losing the reflection in life. It is a journey of rediscovering some missing pieces in life and let their reflections light up corners gradually and continuously.


The Choice

Son Luu

THE CHOICE – How much privacy are you willing to give up for the convenience of interconnected media?


A scenario-based game that prompts player to choose one of two choices in everyday life situation where every choice they make implies a trade-off between technology benefits and personal privacy/data security.



p5.js Shaders

Casey Conchinha, Louise Lessel

A resource for learning the what, why, and how of using shaders in p5.js.


p5.js Shaders exists to highlight an underutilized feature in p5— shaders. We hope to inspire the p5 community with examples of what can be done with shaders and then provide a comfy starting point for learning what is a notoriously difficult subject in programming.

The project exists as a reference website online, with a basic introduction to the topic, documentation, tutorials and examples.

The code is open source and able to be remixed online at


The World, Pixel By Pixel

Claw Machine

Ruyi Chen, Ruojin Shi

What does it feel like to be a toy inside the claw machine?


An interactive VR animation piece in which the user becomes a toy inside the claw machine and is the only one who can move his hands and throw the ocean balls at the claw to save the other toys. But wait, is the claw good or bad? If “I” only have 10 balls left, should I save my friends, or should I save myself?


Immersive Experiences (UG)


Guillermo Montecinos

sonAR is an augmented reality sound experience that allows the user to explore music elements in the space.



Thanks to augmented reality, new layers of perception can be built on top of the world. AR technologies have now been integrated to mobile devices, enabling users to see, listen and move around elements that don’t actually exist in the physical world but coexist with us in temporal instances of virtual worlds.
“sonAR” explores the construction of an imaginary sound landscape built from basic elements that are virtually represented in 3D space. The user, from the view field of the mobile screen, can also discover and interact with these sound elements through space.


Music Interaction Design


Jason Yung

Medium for creating light art using light and shadow



Thesis project that explores the creation of form and expression using the combination of light, darkness and movement.



Teachable Snake

Ming Pu Shao

Machine learning snake game controlled by gesture.


Teachable Snake is a classic snake game controlled by webcam image, powered by Tensorflow.js and Teachable Machine by Google, using pre-trained neural network models.


Machine Learning for the Web