Category Archives: Kathy Wilson

Simply Hunt – An online NYC apartment rental site

Jonas Pedersen

I'm putting all NYC rental listings in one place. I'm taking real time data, and keeping it free, honest, simple, and user friendly. By making the hunt for an apartment as simple and transparent as possible, I'm putting the fun back into the hunt.!/


Finding an apartment in New York City is stressful and expensive. The problem is two-fold for tenants. You have to find the right apartment and then get application approval in a market that favours property managers and is controlled by brokers. Property management listings are public domain but most NYC residents don’t know they exist, they don’t know where to find the listings, and searching through them individually is highly inefficient. I am filling this gap by putting the listings in one place. I am taking real time data, keeping it free, honest, simple and user friendly.
Simplyhunt offers 3 services:
1: Find an apartment
2: Setup view appoint with landlords
3: Custom tailored application based on specific management requirements

Hello Rabbit!

Ju Young Park

"Hello Rabbit!" is an interactive storytelling book for children, aged from 6 to 8, to play with programming logic. My purpose of thesis is to let every future citizen know programming by learning computer science logic at early age.


"Hello Rabbit!" is an ipad book application for children, aged from 6 to 8. It is an animated interactive book that allows young users to play and learn with computer science logic including mathematics concepts such as x and y variables, if-else statements, loops, and etc. This app is designed to let users control and alter animated illustrations of the book by simply putting computer science logic inside the story. For instance, animation of a rabbit jumping once can be changed to jumping infinite times by embedding 'conditional statements' inside the story. The purpose of this activity is to create user experience with programming logic at early age, so that younger generations can grow up as future computer scientists.

Gowanus Creek Nature Hike

Katie Adee

A mobile web app for identifying, cataloging, and mapping the flora of the Gowanus Canal Area. By looking at current species, we can begin to imagine the future Gowanus as an ecosystem, not just an environmental disaster or real estate investment.


Gowanus Creek Nature Hike is a web tool for scientists, students, and Gowanus enthusiasts to explore the species that have managed to survive and thrive near our local Superfund Site, the Gowanus canal. A user spots a tree, answers a few questions about its appearance, and is presented with a catalog of possible species, including hand-drawn images and interesting facts. Once a species has been identified, a user can report the plant type and location. This data is then presented as a web map, catalog, and as a GeoJSON API for others to explore or use in their own research and artistic ventures. Participation in the reporting process will hopefully increase knowledge and awareness of one's natural surroundings.


Alexandra Diracles

VidCode is a website designed to ignite girls' interest in computer programming through video art. Users can choose video filters, learn how they are built in JavaScript, edit them within a responsive code editor, and then share their creations.


VidCode aims to create a conversation and a community of coders among teenage girls. The idea is to pair a medium in which they are already fluent—creating video content—with learning to program. VidCode also allows teenagers to be social as they learn about code: to take videos of their life, edit code with friends, and share information with each other. In my research I found that girls' interest in CS increases when they can pair programming with self expression. The experience begins by creating a video, uploading it to the site, then editing it by scrubbing values, mixing and matching filters such as "grain" or "blur". In the future, advanced video programming tracks will be available in algorithmic art, motion, and storytelling.

Night Witches: based on a true story.

Caroline Sinders

An interactive cross-device story built for mobile and web utilizing interaction design, story telling, and video game mechanics. This is about a real woman named Nadya Popva, a WWII female Russian fighter pilot in the 588th Night Bomber Regiment.


Night Witches is an interactive transmedia and cross device story told through a mobile game and an interactive website laden with information and hidden easter eggs. NightWitches is based on a true story about a WWII Soviet Female fighter pilot named Nadya Popova. NightWitches is built in Unity for the mobile component. By combining game play, interactive video, and audio, I want to create a story that firmly places the user in the role of a NightWitch and explores where interactive story telling can go- beyond making slide shows. I aim to explore, and observe how users can follow the non linear story and the cross device mechanic as well as create an educational and factual but interesting and fun interactive story.


Harry (Chiu-Hao) Chen

Keigibo is a spherical device that captures motion data from the trace of its trajectory when people throw or drop it. Experiments include determining the best material for this "ball", testing the sensors, and visualizing the motion as animations.


Keigibo is for everyone. It will be comprised of three major components: 1) motion sensor, 2) spherical object and 3) visualized data display. Keigibo will use a tiny Arduino-compatible Spark Core as a micro controller connecting with a motion sensor (MPU-6050). This motion sensor will be embedded in the spherical object to collect motion data as users throw or drop it. In form, the object will resemble a ball to make people feel more instinctively comfortable using it, but I will experiment with the material for this "ball", so it may not look and feel familiar. The relationship between human and nonhuman will be recorded, processed and augmented into a digitized visual representation.

Soil for the Air

Erika Hansen Miller

Soil for the Air helps regular people participate in co-developing a new approach to combat climate change by creating a platform for DIY soil biology experiments growing special carbon-sequestering fungi.


Soil for the Air is a platform for a crowd-sourced research project, with a beautifully designed growing system and a community-building digital space for knowledge sharing. It invites citizen scientists to join me in continuing my experiments in cultivating a special kind of carbon-sequestering, soil-dwelling fungus in order to raise awareness of new solutions for climate change, and to help other people outside the science community feel empowered to make a difference. Soil for the Air is:

People harnessing the power of communal curiosity and knowledge sharing.


Science performed at home to explore ways to combat climate change.


Design that makes scientific inquiry beautiful.


Gal Sasson

ControlEase is a node-based graphical programming environment that provides an easy and intuitive way to control, interconnect and prototype programs by providing both textual and graphical programming elements in the same environment.


ControlEase is the result of my own exploration of graphical node-based programming environments. This environment differentiates itself from other node-based environments by providing the required tools to easily connect to running programs, interactively set and change different parameters in those programs, and interconnect different programs. This environment enables the creation of nodes that are aware of other nodes on the canvas and can independently connect with them. This feature allows for greater interactivity when prototyping, and blurs the distinction between prototyping and performing. This tool also provides textual programming capabilities within the environment itself, allowing the creation of custom nodes on the fly.


Ge Ma

MonsterF is an Augmented Reality game run on Google glass. It use Google glass camera to take the video and then do face detection at real-time to track people's face and replace them into cute monsters. Also can use hand to play their monsters.


MonsterF is an AR game run on Google glass. The whole process can divide in to several parts.

1) Realtime Video Taking. Video shot by google glass.

2) Real-time face detection. This game will use JAVA-CV, automatically get all the face in the video, and replace the face a different monster face

3) Users can finger squeeze, stretch, flick monster face, they all can active different effects.

4)Sound and music system


1) About UI: Because Monster is a game. So the interface will be design very cute and funny, also its very simple and easy to play

2)About UX: User Experience will designed Simplicity and compact, wonderful game and app always very easy to understand and play

DataFace: left_behind

Greg Dorsainville

DataFace: left_behind is an installation piece that captures the diversity of faces we see when we consume commercial media. Through the process of making, I will examine themes that include bias in algorithms and the nature of diversity.


The installation is designed for a general audience in a space with walls for large projection. It is a series of data visualizations projected on objects and the wall. By using computer vision face detection (and in the process understanding and improving on its default irregularities), I will extract faces from a corpus of commercial media from broadcast television.

This data I am calling a face diet and the installation will show who makes up this diet. The data is projected on objects placed on a tabletop using projection mapping. Animation of this data will be used to demonstrate other themes of the project.

The projection scale of these large datasets gives an opportunity to explore the nature of diversity in broadcast media.