Category Archives: Class

Last Eats

Colin Narver

When selecting a restaurant, more options doesn't lead to better choices. Last Eats is a mobile web app that helps you choose a single restaurant based on the culinary knowledge, passion and loyalty showcased by your friends and extended network.


Most restaurant discovery apps operate with the idea that more options are better. Last Eats takes the opposite approach.

By constraining choice to the single most important meal in a given city, Last Eats enables you to demonstrate passion and loyalty towards the restaurants that help define you. Last Eats connects you with your friends and extended network and allows you to see and share your collective choices.

Through radical selectivity, Last Eats lets you discover the most essential, meaningful meals in the most useful way – one restaurant, one city and one choice at a time.


Aaron Sherwood

Archetype is an immersive audio/visual installation that explores basic patterns I see in the world.


I find myself (and the world) in a constant, continuous state of change, comprised of ricocheting, interdependent phenomena, that are ultimately beyond my control. My thesis is an expression of this, realized in a generative audio/visual installation. Images are projected onto three vertical 6' x 3.5' pieces of translucent paper hanging from the ceiling, arranged in a circle. Depending on where people stand, the alignment of the screens will be different and different combinations of images between the three screens will emerge. Four audio speakers are placed in a larger circle surrounding the screens.

BriteRise for Early Childhood

Courtney Nadine Coleman

BriteRise for Early Childhood is a web and mobile platform that creates a more personalized learning path by allowing parents and early childhood educators to track, visualize and communicate a child's health and growth data in real-time.


BriteRise for Early Childhood is a web and mobile platform that allows parents, educators, and health professionals to become more aware of a child's overall wellness through the ability to receive real-time observational and objective data. The system not only allows for the manual documentation of a child's growth and development, but caretakers have the ability to obtain, visualize, and analyze physical data of a child from popular consumer heart monitors and other biosensors to get more objective data in assessing a child's well-being.

The Book of Frank

Adam Quinn

A noir, future fiction story that grows as you read it.


This is a transmedia project involving text, video, mobile interactivity, easter eggs, and puzzles. The Book of Frank is the first of a three part series that follows our hero (Frank) into a world he never knew existed. The story is a platform to explore possible futures and scenarios focusing on surveillance, based on current realities, trends, and technologies. As the story unfolds, the reader gets access to: Video clips of characters and events in the story, fictionalized web sites from the story, and real web sites that document current technologies and events. For each discovery of a character, group, event, or technology, the user is given a new page in a Dossier that provides extended breadth and depth to the story.

We Go Together

David Lobser

A series of works exploring the miller moth migration of 1991 in Colorado.


We Go Together is a story of instinct, travel and collisions of nature and technology. It consists of a series of works which unravel the image of the moth's attraction to light, the metaphorical meeting of minds, and the implications for understanding our own.

The pieces are generated with a custom javascript library which runs on the web.


Alexandra Diracles

VidCode is a website designed to ignite girls' interest in computer programming through video art. Users can choose video filters, learn how they are built in JavaScript, edit them within a responsive code editor, and then share their creations.


VidCode aims to create a conversation and a community of coders among teenage girls. The idea is to pair a medium in which they are already fluent—creating video content—with learning to program. VidCode also allows teenagers to be social as they learn about code: to take videos of their life, edit code with friends, and share information with each other. In my research I found that girls' interest in CS increases when they can pair programming with self expression. The experience begins by creating a video, uploading it to the site, then editing it by scrubbing values, mixing and matching filters such as "grain" or "blur". In the future, advanced video programming tracks will be available in algorithmic art, motion, and storytelling.


David Rios

A multi-user musical interface and physical audio visualizer. Users interact with multiple controllers to create soundscapes and realtime physical visuals.


Kinetisynth is part musical interface, part physical parametric display. Participants use various controllers and sensors to make music together and simultaneously control a real-time physical visualization of that music. It uses analog circuitry and MIDI to generate soundscapes while simultaneously analyzing and quantifying audio signals to create a real time mechanical frequency spectrum that reflects the soundscape.

The Art of Living

Alexandra Coym

A smart remote scheduling device for setting daily reminders to make life more comfortable for people living at home with early-stage Alzheimer's.


There is no cure for Alzheimer's, and most available devices that aim at making daily tasks easier are intrusive for the daily routine and a constant reminder of the disease the person lives with. 'The Art of Living' seamlessly integrates this technology into people's everyday lives. Family caregivers can set up reminders through the web and upload images and sounds that, in line with recent medical research, can subconsciously trigger memories and thus enable the person to remember things on there own (e.g. make a phone call), leaving them feeling empowered and independent. Environmental sensors in the home tell the system if the reminders have been completed and otherwise trigger a more proactive prompting should this not be the case.

Fictioning, or the Confession of the Librarian

Donna Miller Watts

Fictioning, or the Confession of the Librarian is an immersive interpretation of the Jorge Luis Borges story, "The Library of Babel" via the Oculus Rift. The experiencer will move within the tale as it unfolds and comments on itself.


Three-dimensional, physically interactive technologies such as the Oculus Rift are changing gaming and will change other forms of entertainment, including book publishing and theater. Fictioning, or the Confession of the Librarian utilizes numbers, letters, abstract shapes, lines, objects and animated text that change as the experiencer moves. Words and images derived from the text emerge. A reading of "The Library of Babel," will play over headphones, at times changing with the user's movements. Fictioning, or the Confession of the Librarian blends fiction, theater and physical interaction to offer a new art form for the the technological landscape of the future.

Navigating the Really Real

Allison Burtch

How do humans remain spiritually and emotionally authentic in the face of impending societal and environmental collapse? My thesis is an invitation to be alive and present. It is liberation technology.


A browser plugin that deprecates your internet experience.
A cell phone jammer that blocks signals.
A browser plugin that clarifies power structures on the internet.
A receptacle for all signals.

I find that many solutions using technology are accomplished through destruction rather than creation.
As such, one Firefox add-on slowly deprecates the internet, removing images, links and text until there is nothing left. The cellphone jammer used in the woods provides a gap in space, a place where people might eventually find something to say. The other Firefox add-on clarifies; it appends corporate sponsors to brands and politicians, providing complex information about power.
You can view my work at