This Is Real

Maya Tal

Interactive screen based project that criticizes the current standard beauty and excess photoshopping of models.


As part of the Outrage Internship, our project addresses the topic of body image and how outrageous the standard of beauty is created; media companies create and promote unrealistic beauty standards by retouching already very thin models. ThisIsReal aims to take users through the process of retouching by layers several images of ordinary people; users will be able to wipe away the layers on touch screen and watch the layers vanish, quantifying how much work goes into creating a non-realistic person. The project will feature in January 2016 in Times Square as part of the Outrage Machine project.


The Temporary Expert: Research-based Art and Design Practice

Sound Boxing

Yuan Gao, Yuchi Ma

Experience sonification and visualization when practicing boxing punches


Our main sensors are put into the boxing gloves, they include accelerometer and gyroscope. Then in the show, we give users this pair of boxing gloves and a Thai Pad to play with each other, basically asking them to punch like a professional boxer practicing. We will use the data sent out from boxing gloves (through bluetooth) to control the Spot Light, which is set up on top of the show area, and Sound Effect (speaker connected to laptop) around this area. Let user experience the spot light changing (colours, strobe) and sound beats changing according to the punching gestures they made.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing

The Diverting Electric Lighter

Lutfiadi Rahmanto

Lighter that can only be lit up several times a day, and offers alternative joy when unusable


This is an electric lighter that can only be lit up several times a day, with an intention to help the user build a better habit in smoking by reducing the consumption day by day. After the lighter is lighted up, the user has to wait until the bar fills up before it can be relighted. While the bar is waiting to fill up, it provides an alternative to relieve the urge to smoke. In that case, when pressed it will send a relaxing content to user’s phone to divert their urge to smoke.


Homemade Hardware


Melissa Jinu Kang, Paul Hiam, Xi Liu

Voicepong is a classic pong game controlled with voice.


Voicepong is inspired by traditional pong which is one of the earliest arcade video game. The aim is to win the simulated table-tennis game by making a sound to control the paddle's movement and being the first player to earn 5 points. Players can move their paddles based on how loud they talk or yell. The more they make sounds, the paddle moves upward, and vice versa.

To start this game, players will access to certain IP address and be assigned with an unique peer ID. Once each player enters the opponent’s ID, the game will begin. For the audio input device, our custom made microphone will be connected to the computer.

This game can be played by more than two players as long as the number of players on each side is the same. This multiplayer game will provide interactive and collaborative experience.


Live Web

True Love Tinder Robot

Nicole He

Literally put your love life in a robot's hands.


The True Love Tinder Robot will find you love, guaranteed. With Tinder open, you put your phone down front of the robot hand. Then you place your own human hands on the sensors. As you are looking at each Tinder profile, the robot will read your true heart's desire through the sensors and decide whether or not you are a good match with that person based on how your body reacts. If it determines that you're attracted to that person, it will swipe right. If not, it will swipe left. Throughout the process, it will make commentary on your involuntary decisions.

In a time when it's very normal for couples to meet online, we trust algorithms on dating sites to find us potential partners. Simultaneously, we use consumer biometric devices to tell us what's going on with our bodies and what we should do to be healthy and happy. Maybe it's not a stretch to consider what happens when we combine these things.

This project explores the idea that the computer knows us better than we know ourselves, and therefore it has better authority on who we should date than we do. In a direct way, the True Love Tinder Robot makes the user confront what it feels like to let computers make intimate decisions for us.

The robot is built with an Arduino, servos, a text-to-speech module, LEDS, a couple sheets of metal acting as galvanic skin response sensor, a bunch of wires, a box, and a speaker. The code is available on Github. You can also find my in-progress documentation on my ITP blog.

This is my final project for my Intro to Computational Media and Intro to Physical Computing classes during fall of 2015 at NYU ITP. Special thanks to my teachers, Tom Igoe and Lauren McCarthy.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing

Sound collider

Marcelina A Nowak

Creative representation of music on screen


The goal of my project was to create something expressive using Openframeworks.
The project combines visual effects and sound. It depicts a connection between a piece of music and its visualization. My goal was to mimic the collisions in the video, replicating the way the audio responded to these collisions in my own way.
First, I created a spiraling wave made out of turquoise spheres. Then, I drew another set of spheres (white ones) floating around the wave. My goal was to give them random speeds and positions, so that they could touch turquoise line at its different parts and moments. The moment when the two sets touch each other triggers a random note, so that they create some sort of music. There are 8 different types of sounds, which appear in a random order every time the floating spheres collide with the main wave.

By dragging the mouse the user can observe the whole scenery from a different perspective. Moreover, the ‘Y’ position of the mouse sets the size of the main (long) wave. By pressing certain keys we’re able to add more waves and later connect them together with thin lines. The whole project focuses on creating both a visually and sonically pleasing effect. For the show I’d love to steer the effects either by motion, or sensors. I think it could look really nice displayed on a screen. Even without sound the effect the whole work might be a nice interactive background displayed on the screen.


Introduction to Computational Media

Homemade Robotic Hand

FY Zhu, Wangshu Sun

Designed an open-source robotic hand for the disables and also for fun, currently we use the MYO as the input control for gesture control, and will use LeapMotion for interaction usage


One of the biggest distinction between human-beings to other creatures is that human have hands. Unfortunately, not everyone have two hands. Though 3-D printing is very popular in the current age, it is still not available for everyone to take usage of it. We designed a Low-cost Robotic Hand, with only piece-by-piece materials and standard parts, make it available for everyone to duplicate it only with cardboard, scissor and parts bought in Amazon. We also make a linkage between Myo and our Hands, in order to make the hand controllable by the residue muscles that the most disables have.

The hand works well currently, made with acrylic and a transmission between the computer and the Myo. The whole system has suffered a presentation time for the NYU prototype fund show on Dec 4th, and attracted lots of the attentions and good feedbacks.

The interaction-part currently is a half-slave logic, that is to say, the hand will do some gestures as the user do, but also, some unusual gesture will be another trigger for some pre-determined gesture, like the video shows, turn the palm out will trigger the victory-gesture and turn the palm in will trigger the rock&roll-gesture, that’s only designed for the disables since those unusual gestures actually have the most powerful muscle electricity signal.

For the winter show, I will duplicate another hand made actually with the materials like cardboard and foam, in order to show it’s potential of the duplicatable for everyone, and will make the current hand with another two freedoms of wrist and use the LeapMotion as the input part, in order to finish some simple interactions like Paper-Scissor-Stone and Give-Me-Five.


Designing for Digital Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing


Corbin Ordel

VRTRIP is the experience of self reflection, isolation, truth, and self actualization.


ROAD TRIPPERS! Follow your heart friends! Get in the car! Do you have any gas or peanut money? Whatever, it doesn't matter. Holy shit, that- You're Tot's friend right? Good thing we saw you here, we were about to split for the beach. “honestly tho, do u kno this prsn?” Anyway– oh, well, we don't know when were coming back honestly – we're just hopped up freaked out hippies! It's righteous! I bought these pink slacks from a thrift store the other days, only cost me 10 buckaroos!. I think I saw you outside Drones Club last week, right? You were looking pretty cute. I think you're Blake's age right? Are you also in Cyberactive Media Studies at U of M? That's what someone told me… Anywys, it's weird that we like know each other and also because your Jayy's little bro's age, also. I guess thats what happens in a small scene. What are you working on these days, we talked last weekend, what you did that day and you said that you had a good day, that you woke up and wrote a bit, then you got lunch and then you described the lunch in lots of detail and that you got a really good coffee and that the lunch was really yummy. Honestly I was really happy to talk to you, you seem interesting forsure, “but I'm not sure if your my type, to be honest I have no idea who you are but you seem different than most of the people who hang out around here”. DO you know Amanda? oh god, yea she's way older and from Alberta, she talks so much shit about everyone. It's cool if you go back home during the summer, we all do.


Introduction to Physical Computing, Introduction to Computational Media

Play Pixels

Jonathan James Gallagher, Soyeon Chung

A DIY 16×16 RGB LED Matrix with camera acting as a video mirror with 256 large silicone buttons on top for drawing pixel art.


We built a 16 x 16 LED matrix using Sparkfun button pads. It is a large version of an arduino based monome. Each LED is RGB, driven by TLC5940 IC's and is capable of outputting a 16 x 16 downsampled version of a live camera feed. Each LED is also a button, we have used this feature to enable users to draw pixel art by pressing buttons to change their colour. The purpose of this project is to provide a novel interface that allows the user to perceive themselves in the context of the form that our device displays. Only large differences in colour or light are tracked resulting in a recognisable outline devoid of the finer detail that we are used to seeing and perhaps obsessing over when using a mirror. We display the basic form of a person, hopefully making people realise that image is primarily an issue of perception which varies from observer to observer.


Introduction to Physical Computing

Animal World

Shaun Axani, Xi Liu

An interactive electronic board experience for children with disabilities to be exposed to all types of sensory feedback.


For our assistive tech class, Xi Liu and I have worked with Strivright, a Brooklyn school for children ages 2-5 with hearing impairment. We have devised a sensory wall unlike any other. It's a large magnetic surface with an animation of the outdoors. There are many animals that are CNC routed out of wood, with graphics adhered to the front and magnets on the back. They can be placed anywhere on the magnetic surface, but when they're put in special places, they close circuits and there is an assortment of sensory feedback, including flashing lights, animal sounds, vibrations, and spinning tails and ears on stepper motors. We are getting all the printed designs back from the printers this week, and the custom circuit boards will be etched, so everything will start to look much more like the final product in the days ahead. I will update the video with more of the final content shortly.


Designing for Digital Fabrication, Developing Assistive Technologies, Homemade Hardware