Behav Probs in School: Impairment to Interventn (CAMS-UA 134)

This course reviews typical children’s behavior problems in school settings and offers a primer in evidence-based behavior management tools. The class addresses common causes of disruptive behavior, such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and related conditions. Students will be instructed in effective behavior management strategies appropriate for settings, such as schools, camps, and sports programs. Techniques will include selective attention, behavioral daily report cards, token economies, and limit setting. The theoretical and research bases for these strategies will be explored. Students will practice skills with live coaching from the instructor. One required field trip to the NYU Child Study Center will allow students to view how these tools are used in real life clinical settings. This course is of particular interest to those considering careers in child psychology or psychiatry, pediatrics, or general or special education, especially those seeking experience as student aides, camp counselors, or Special Education Itinerant Teachers (SEITs).

Child/Adoles Mental Hlth Stds (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 6 Weeks

Sections (Summer 2022)

CAMS-UA 134-000 (2482)
05/23/2022 – 07/06/2022 Mon,Wed
9:00 AM – 12:00 AM (Morning)
at Washington Square
Instructed by Verduin, Timothy