Principles of Animal Physiology (BIOL-UA 25)

A comparative course that encompasses vertebrate and invertebrate physiology. Extensive discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the human cardiovascular system, the human lung, the human kidney, and the human brain. There is a focus on the physiological integration of organ systems, underlying cellular/molecular mechanisms, and adaptation. Ventilation, organism scale and environment, blood, the cardiovascular system, acid-base regulation, osmoregulation, feeding, digestion and absorption, the nervous system and behavior, muscle, endocrine function, and reproduction are studied. Special topics include human physiology in extreme environments (high-altitude and diving), a detailed analysis of mammalian vision, animal sleep and hibernation, and the comparative physiology of animals that live at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The laboratory includes traditional physiology experiments, as well as an introduction to bioinformatics.

Biology (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 14 Weeks