Class Times
09:30 AM – 12:00 PM on Tuesdays @ Room 411
Instructor’s Contact
Yeseul Song
Location: South Faculty Office
My work: / @yeseulsong_
Office Hours
Class Google Drive (slides, etc.)
Class Blogs
HERE! (Sign-in with NYU account)
- Please add your name and blog link to the spreadsheet. You can add other information too, as long as you feel comfortable with it. Please set up a category/menu for this class and submit the link for that category, not to your whole blog!
- This is where I’ll look at your assignments to give feedback and consider in designing each session. Other peers might see your blog and exchange information and experience, which I encourage.
- At the end of the semester, I’ll make this spreadsheet private.
Learning Support
- Physical Computing Workshop / Help Sessions by ITP Residents (dates and times to be added!)
- Office Hours with residents
- Office Hours with me (link above)
Your Arduino

Class Notes
Class 3
Class 4
- Smoothing sensor values (in-class example code / Averaging Library)
Class 5
- Project planning slide & video: system diagram, BOM, installation drawing, timeline, etc .
- Some more examples, by IMA students:
- Project timeline examples:
Class 6
- Motor projects collection by the class, for the quiz!
- Mounting things on motors
- Cardboard mechanism
- linear actuation (pulley + timing belt) with cardboard and stepper
Where to buy: some suggestions
Class 10: Final Ideas

Class 12: Playtesting Prep
- Prepare a few questions you want to ask
- Plan how to document (taking notes, taking videos with consent, lay out paper for writing, etc.)
1. What do you want to “test?”
- Invitation/Affordance: If people know what to do. How much guidance is needed?
- Engagement: How long do people engage with it? Do they complete the flow that you intended?
- Emotions: How do people respond to it? What do people feel during/after the interaction?
- Learning: What do they learn from it, if you intended any learning?
- Errors: What type of errors happen during the interaction process? When errors happen, can they recover from it by themselves?
- After-experience Conversation: What do people think or talk about after the experience?
- Pain points (in your making process): Is there any design or technical decisions you’re trying to make but unsure? Your “testers” might be able to help with it!
- Warnings: Are there any safety or accessibility concerns that people need to know about before their testing.
2. For each, how will you test? Here are some methods you could consider:
- Observation (Movement, Gaze, Posture, etc.)
- AB test
- Reaction cards
- Think aloud
3. Scenario
- Review your questions and testing methods, put them together as a scenario by writing it down or illustrate it. Avoid giving a long instruction or description about your project before people start interacting with it. It might also be a good idea to just watch people what they do with it without any prior comments from you.
4. Supplements
- Anything you need to set up the stage for people to try your project? For example, posters, illustrated instructions, titles, warnings, etc. If so, prepare them for an efficient communication of your project.