Meteorite Landings

Stories behind the meteorite landings through out history

chenlan yao


Meteorites are often considered to be mysterious. It takes thousands of years for a meteorite to travel through the space that we do not know much about and come to Earth.

We believe that a meteorite can bring us luck; we consider a meteorite as an omen. But the truth is that we are more likely to become Ann Hodges when encountering a meteorite, being so anxious because of getting a meteorite remain and becoming too famous due to the space rock. The additional meanings of a meteorite have added an emotional burden to us.

This kind of emotional burden caused by meteorites is now being used as a commercial opportunity by some shops. They labeled a rock as a meteorite remain and sell it at a high price, advertising by claiming that the rock can have special power and provide luck and happiness.

At the beginning of this project, I showed the objective process for a meteorite to come into being. Scientifically speaking, there is no evidence that meteorites possess any superhuman powers. I hope that you can know more about the actual formation of a meteorite, be aware of the commercial frauds that might take advantage of your misunderstanding, and appreciate more about the splendid natural phenomenon. They come from billions of years ago; they are the witnesses of the history of the universe.



“Across the Great Wall, we can reach every corner in the world “… or not?

Ren Tao


THE CAGE is an artistic installation made for reflections on China's world-strictest Internet censorship system. A wooden bird cage is placed in front of a white wall, and stands on a rotating platform. Three components make up the cage inner: The bottom stands images of China's ten greatest infrastructure projects from 200-2018, depicting the flourishing industrial development; Images of the Great Wall are placed at the top, which resembles the "Great Firewall". Between two parts, several twitter-logo like birds images hang in the air. They symbolize the Chinese netizens groups restricted in the cage. All elements are printed and cut on Chinese traditional parchment. Two LED lamps, which lighten up the whole project, are fixed in the middle hollow space. The installation is around 45cm tall, 20cm²; wide. All elements are designed in Photoshop, printed and cut by hand. Hardwares are available online.

Alongside the cage is a piece of paper attached on the wall, printing "Across the Great Wall, we can reach any corner of the world" with its Chinese translation. This is the first email China officially sent to the world in 1987.

This project expresses such an idea: When voices of Chinese netizens cannot be heard, they lose individual personalities on International social platforms, and eventually become a vague concept of mass collection (based on imaginary and limited information). In this way, the artist regards the system as a bird cage, through which communication between "human and human" can never happen. The artist asks the audience one question: "The country is developing by leaps and bounds, however with the "Great FIrewall" above the land, where is China going, as time passes? 

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Capstone Studio (Shanghai)
Culture,Social Good/Activism

This is Quite Edmund

This project let you control my body, which means it takes your image as input and generate a images of me with the same pose

Yunhao Ye


In this project, I use CycleGan, which is a powerful and useful machine learning algorithm to train my own model. It can generate images of myself based on the pose images (my name is Edmund so the project name is ‘This is Quite Edmund’). Those pose images are the result of a pre-trained machine learning model, which is called ‘DensePose’, it can return you an image showing poses of all the people in the input image.

During the training process, I took some videos of mine, and get frame images of those videos as the dataset of my own images. And then I upload those images to DensePose to get the results and store them as the dataset of pose images. After training for a long time, I eventually get a satisfactory model.

Finally, I wrap DensePose and my model up in a workspace, so I get another brand new model by combining them together. By using this model, you can send in your own images, and will get images of me with the same pose as you. You can image you are actually controlling my body.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Artificial Intelligence Arts
Machine Learning

Two Pieces of Evidence

A two part parafictional project to bring awareness to the ignored severe situation of online sexual abuse.

Xueping Wang


Two Pieces of Evidence is a two part project: guidebook and a perfume. The guidebook provides suggestions and guidance for people to form a closer intimate relationship with children and is shared in the perpetrator community. Based on the police and media release of online child sexual abuse case files and statistics about annual cases as well as online Pick-up Artists (PUA) training materials, the project brings awareness to the unnoticed severe situation of the online sexual abuse.

According to the UK National Crime Agency, “there could be a rise in online child sexual abuse offenses during the Covid-19 pandemic as it reveals its most recent intelligence shows there are at least 300,000 people in the UK who pose a sexual threat to children”. Similar rising tread has been perceived in other countries.

The parafictional artifacts create more authentic experiences of discomfort because the audience experience the fiction as a fact. Like Harvard professor and art historian Carrie Lambert-Beatty argued, parafiction is a very physical experience. “It is cognitive, but you feel it in the body”.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Make Believe

What We've Lost in Shanghai

This data visualization project shows where, which and how many lost items people lost in Shanghai over the past half-year.

Tian Qin


I’m a person who always lose things, from umbrella, gloves, to books, and keys. Therefore, I chose lost and found as the topic to find out where, which and how many lost items people lost in Shanghai over the past half-year. I got the dataset by scraping the lost and found data from the Shanghai Public Security Bureau website and data from the Shanghai lost dog tag of Weibo. I got 2723 lost items in total. Obviously, it’s just a fraction of all the items that people lost, but I believe this can still show some stories behind the lost and found.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Critical Data & Visualization

Sneaker Stats

An application that analyzes sneakers on the resale market.

Yijie Zou


Due to low stocks, it is hard for consumers to purchase limited-edition sneakers in the retail market. A large number of consumers would purchase limited-edition sneakers in the resale market. There are numerous sneaker resale platforms around the world. In China, the two most popular platforms are Poizon(Dewu) and Nice. Outside China, platforms like StockX and Goat have a huge user base. These platforms do not have sneakers in stock, instead, they play the role of middleman in the trading process.

Due to the rarity of sneakers, sneaker prices in the resale market are usually higher than their retail prices and are fluctuant, which is similar to the stock market. Sneaker resale platforms outside China provide customers with historical data about sneakers such as price trends and trading volume. However, Chinese resale platforms do not want to be involved sneakers with investment, so customers cannot have an overview of the price trend of a sneaker, which is an important reference of their purchase decision.

This project analyzes data of sneakers in resale platforms and provides detailed statistics to help consumers make good decisions. Provided with data like history price trends, consumers can purchase sneakers when their prices are comparatively low. Also, data can indicate the popularity of sneakers and predict their prospect. Moreover, based on the record of the transaction, the application can analyze the possibility of illusory popularity. There are sneaker dealers who massively purchase sneakers and create an illusion that a sneaker is extremely popular. When the price increases, they sell these sneakers at a higher price to earn money. The characteristic of such activity is that the trading volume of a sneaker rises sharply and usually a single buyer purchase a large number of pairs. This is a warning signal for regular consumers because the price will fall sharply after dealers clear their inventory. However, all these features are not provided by resale platforms in China and some of them also cannot be found in platforms outside China. This project's ultimate goal is to help people purchase their dreaming sneakers at a reasonable price.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Capstone Studio (Shanghai)

Flower Wheel

A blinking flower that will light up when a wheel in front of it is turned by hand.

Yunyu Zhang


LEDs of different colors make up the flower shape and they will light up through turning a wheel in front of it, on which there are many magnets. Under the wheel, there are three coils. The changing magnetic field that is created by the magnets generates current in the coils that are connected to the LEDs, making the flower to blink. I feel the way to use electricity to simulate and demonstrate the beauty of some natural phenomena very inspiring and refreshing and through the interaction between people and circuit components, I wish to approach nature in a different perspective by adopting a more technology-based viewpoint.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Working with electrons

Piggy(Pearl) on Palm

A piggy-like tumbler toy that also is a little night lamp as well as a container.

Yunyu Zhang


The name of my project is called Piggy(Pearl) on Palm. I got the inspiration of its name from a Chinese idiom, which means something or someone is very precious like a bright pearl on the palm. And the pronunciation of the word “pig” is the same as that of the word “pearl”, so this project is a round little pig with a round light ball inside it. I made this for my mom because she likes piggies very much and she has also bought several piggy decorations to put them at home. My mom also likes matryoshka dolls very much and we have several of them at home as well. This toy is round and can sway like a tumbler. Also, being similar to the matryoshka dolls, it can be opened. There is a light ball inside it, making it a little night lamp as well. And if the light bulb or LED is taken out of the toy, it can also be a container to put something, such as candies inside. Because my mother also likes to buy various containers to keep things in order, this toy can also provide such a function for her.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Toy Design and Prototyping
Product Design

Magic Shadow Puppet

To create more interactive experiences based on the preservation of traditional Chinese culture.

Jiyan Wang


Shadow Puppetry is one of the intangible cultural heritages that has history of over thousands of years. My project is based on the performance of shadow puppet but put it in a more interact way that audience can control the whole performance themselves, which is different from the traditional counterpart that the controller has to be behind the scene.

I use the Ultrasonic Ranger to detect the distance from audience to the sensor so that the servo motor will move the shadow puppet as well. In this way we can see the performance of the shadow puppet and performance along with it as well. As for the set up, my project will be put in a dark room with only light on the puppet. We are able to see audience's shadow as well. Moreover, there will also be a background music and it can change its volume due to the movement of the audience.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Interaction Lab

Gun Grave

A music box consists of 3d printed AK47 and knitted flowers. It interprets empathy, peace and love.

Muru Chen


Gun Grave is a music box. The song adapts Merry Christmas Mr. Larence. The music box consists of knitted flowers, 3D printed AK47 and hay powder. This project express the wish for peace and the emphathy for the children who suffered war. But this product is not only for those children, but also for those who live in peace.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Toy Design and Prototyping
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