Ori's Adventure

Hover and scroll down and listen !!!

siyuan yu


The Images and and the two characters in my project are screenshots taken from two video games called “Ori and Wills of the Wisps” and “Ori and the Blind Forest” by Moon Studios. In this project, is a story that Ori and Naru (The two Characters) were brought to a dangerous place and they had to escape from that place and to find the paradise where they can stay safe (In the second Picture). The background sound of thunder and roar was simulating by me.And users and hover to the two characters to listen to their voices to find their mood at that time. When the scrolling down to the third picture, you will be very easily hover on the body of the great devil, and might be frightened by the sudden roar of the devil. But that’s one of my goal to make user realize that they have met a devil. In the fourth picture, the background music becomes harmonious, and there is an eagle flying by. The user can hover on the eagle to hear the sound of the eagle. In the last page, the two characters reach to the paradise successfully. Users can hover on the two characters to hear the change of their mood. And the final background music is echoing to the bgm in the first page. In the first page, there was only piano, and it was played and recorded by me. The bgm in the last page is the Game OST, which add some more elements including human voices.

Racing Motorcycle

An interactive game-wearing a special helmet, user could control the motorcycle on the screen by tipping his/her head.

Jia Ni Yu



Racing Motorcycle is a game that aims to provide users an interesting interactive experience. Wearing a special helmet, users could control the motorcycle on the screen by tipping their heads to avoid the obstacles on the road and gain scores.

The project is based on the race games on the phone, where we turn the phone to control the direction of a car. However, Racing Motorcycle applies a new way of interaction. Controlling the motorcycle by tipping the head imitates the true situation when a motorcycle driver tips his body to change the direction. The design also makes the experience more interesting and unique.


– Tip your head to left, right or upright direction to control the motorcycle and avoid the obstacles.

– Stay your head tipped to keep the motorcycle running in a certain lane.

– The longer you go through, the higher score you will get.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Interaction Lab


Examining Forward Head Posture Prevalence Among University Students:

Introducing Kinect and Social Media Platform as Visualized and Interactive Solutions

Zexing Li



Previous researchers have demonstrated the widespread phenomenon of forward head posture (FHP) problem among adults, teenagers, and children primarily caused by faulty posture associated with long hours of exposure to technological devices. With focused studies on university students, a result conducted in universities in Pakistan and Malaysia revealed that “67% of participants were identified with forward head posture while 58.5% were not aware of forward head posture (Ramalingam 791).” The high prevalence but low awareness revealed a need to address the FHP issue in college. The chief purpose of this project “FHP Identifier & Corrector” is to raise awareness and thus resolve the FHP problem among the target audience – university students with interactive approaches and marketing strategies.

Existing products such as posture training devices may only be advertised to the audience who have identified themselves with FHP along with other spine and hunchback problems. In such a market context, previous products could only reach the designated health-conscious consumers, while university students who are unaware of the FHP problem would remain uninformed of the prevalent circumstance of FHP. This project would fill the gap of unreached university students in the current market.

Two mediums are designed and created to achieve the project mission. A visualization installation placed on the university campus would identify students with the FHP problem. A schematic drawing conducted by Kinect would examine participants and, through calculation and algorithms, output the FHP extent (none, mild, severe) of the examinees. Moreover, A follow-up WeChat Mini Program would also be launched as an online tool to provide tutorials and reminders to testees identified with mild or severe FHP issues. It serves to correct the unhealthy FHP with proper exercises and help develop correct posture when using digital devices.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Capstone Studio (Shanghai)


Another sound visualizer inspired from glowing ring.

Zhuochen Yuan



This is a new sound visualizer made for final project, the main idea is to create a hollow ring rotating in the center. Everything can be absorbed into a small part, but can be expanded into lots of particles as well, everything are in an eternal cycle, from 0 to 1 and from 1 back to 0. The main technique used for this project is flowfield, setting flows in the canvas to control the direction of all the particles. And for synchronization between music and animation is realized by using p5.sound.js,this library is for analyzing music input and returning various parameters. I made a simple beat detection based on volume, every time the beat is detected will let the particles expand/absorb based on different mode, also the volume of the beat will affect the speed of the expansion/absorption. The blocks on the background are for better visuals, the height is controlled by the volume of different frequencies and the color is controlled by the energy of different ranges of frequencies from bass to treble,

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Nature of Code

(A)synchronous Force

Transcending the limitations of time and space, what will the result of the interactions of (a)synchronous force look like?

Qianyi Chen



We live in a society where everyone has never been so closely connected. As the butterfly effect suggests, the behavior of each individual can result in a bigger change and eventually transform the reality around us. In (A)synchronous force, a virtual object serves as the metaphor for such a ‘result’ of collective actions. Taking four videos of body movement as the input, the audience experiences how movement gestures apply forces to an object on the screen and together create the movement of the object. The asynchronous videos allow the audience to transcend the limitations of time and space. The visualization of the synchronous interaction attempts to extend the understanding of social interaction and connection.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Movement Practices and Computing

Butterfly Dream

“Am I dreaming of the butterfly, or the butterfly is dreaming of me?”

Qianyi Chen



Inspired by the story of the butterfly dream written by Zhuangzi, this project aims to illustrate the mind flow of different layers of the dream. From the surface of the dream to the subconsciousness, the audience will go deeper and deeper. With the boundary of virtual and reality being questioned, people are led to Zhuangzi’ inquiry from thousands of years ago – Am I dreaming of the butterfly, or the butterfly is dreaming of me?

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Nature of Code

The Lost Forest

A virtual soundscape that provides immersive spooky experience.

Yuchen Wang



In this project, I would like to create an imaginary space of a forest that sunk underneath a lake. The idea come from a game series called Rusty Lake. When I was playing that game, the horrifying feeling it brings generates great excitement to me. I aim to create such a forest so as to construct a spooky and horrifying space. This forest under the lake is set to be a place to empty one's mind and escape from reality. The purpose is to bring the users an immersive experience of mental stimulation, and also a of place for meditation and self-reflection, though in a bizarre way. In this project, multiple sound objects are applied, including some recorded sound, including some real forest and underwater sound. Besides artificial ones are also applied. The goal is to make this soundscape easily acceptable by the audience, while inspiring their imagination to think beyond the soundscape itself and come up with his or her on story that may happen behind it. To make the whole project more completed and more surprising, I added a loop when the users finish their first round. It makes the story much spookier, as if this is a haunted forest that one can never leave.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Communications Lab

The Inside World of a Smoker

This is a tiny story originated from an ordinary life, unfolding as a stream of consciousness

Yuntong Dai



This is a documentary project from the communications lab. It is very mini, and the users can explore the webpage with easy interactions. The main concept is to know about a smoker's life-story, anxiety, and childhood. The mini-documentary is shot with iPhone 11 pro, and the style is diverse but uniformed meanwhile. You can see some elements from the old-fashioned silent movie and even some messy hand-writings! However, the main point here is not trying to tell a wholesome story. Instead, the story is unfolded as a stream of consciousness. Just imagine you've entered the smoker's brain, and explore a tiny part of his complicated yet typical life. Moreover, the concept of “mood” is there, all the way through the whole project. The interactive way may be a bit simple, but please enjoy the videos as well!

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Communications Lab

Particle God

By using kinect, you can use your magic to play with the particle system.

Joseph Yang



Since we've learned various particle systems and many different particle movements throughout the whole semester, I decided to make a project that can let the user experience different particle effects at the same time. I use Kinect to detect the user's hand and there are some interactions with the particle system based on the hand state of the user. For example, if the user closes his or her hands, the particles would start to follow the position of the hands. Anyway, it's a really fun project to play with.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Nature of Code

ATOM Imagination

A visual simulation of atom structure with music

Haoquan Wang



This project is inspired by the ATOM text editor's icon. By using gravitational force in p5.js, I create an atom structure layer by layer, core to electron, electron to the general sphere of an atom. By adding clicking interaction, audience can build up an atom structure layer by layer.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Nature of Code
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