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Xiangrui Zeng

Tile-Based Wave Function Collapse Procedural Map Generator (Unity Tool)

generation process

Advisor: Juliette Powell

Play/Games Tool/Service

Qiongting Zhang

Virtual Nostalgia

An AI-generated hand reaches out to a cabinet of curiosities with various items titled Virtual Nostalgia.

Advisor: Sharleen Smith

Play/Games VR/AR

MK Skitka

Creative Coding

person stands holding small DIY computer. Code graphic is overlaid on image.

Advisor: Despina Papadopoulos

Art Performance Play/Games Sound

Lenin Compres

Producing a Wonder Tale

lenino's thesis thumbnail

Advisor: Despina Papadopoulos

Culture Education Narrative/storytelling Play/Games

Olivia Yin

Smell Like Home

smell like home thumbnail photo

Advisor: Sharleen Smith

Narrative/storytelling Play/Games VR/AR

Shuang Cai

Ultimate Vending Machine

A white full vending machine displaying on a kitchen shelf. There are bottles of alcohol and random kitchen items in the background.

Advisor: Simone Salvo

Art Culture Installations Performance Play/Games Product design

Zhiyue Huang

Yellow, Round, Green, Wrinkled

Advisor: Sharleen Smith

Education Play/Games

Tuan Huang


a spinning floating book with a grey color tone

Advisor: Adaora Udoji

Art Play/Games

Dhemerae Kay Ford

Last Chance to See Capsule Machine: Bat Edition

fully assembled capsule machine

Advisor: Sharleen Smith

Education Play/Games

Lifei Wang

Pixel Patrol

Thumbnail image of 'Pixel Patrol,' an interactive installation consisting of three pixel art monitors.

Advisor: Juliette Powell

Installations Narrative/storytelling Play/Games

Ruoxiao Sun

The Next Chapter

Advisor: Rosalie Yu

Art Play/Games

Jingyuan Li

The Midnight Train

Advisor: Sharon De La Cruz

Narrative/storytelling Play/Games VR/AR

Nancy Li

The Light


Advisor: Juliette Powell

Art Narrative/storytelling Play/Games

Toni Jung

A Die to Die for

board design. Bright orange, pink, and black color hexagons scattered

Advisor: Simone Salvo

Art Play/Games

Coco Ma

The Last Dance

Advisor: Rosalie Yu

Narrative/storytelling Performance Play/Games VR/AR

Jingjing Wu

Dopamine Delusion

Advisor: Rosalie Yu

Play/Games VR/AR

Yuan Fang


Advisor: Sharon De La Cruz

Narrative/storytelling Play/Games VR/AR

Peiyu Eva Zhou

No One Lives in the Exacting Wound

Burning house in grassland with orange sky and grey clouds - screenshot from the game

Advisor: Adaora Udoji

Art Narrative/storytelling Play/Games VR/AR

Sihan Zhang


thumbnail image

Advisor: Rosalie Yu

Narrative/storytelling Play/Games Social good/activism VR/AR

I-Jon Hsieh

Bun in the Oven

Bun in the Oven

Advisor: Sharleen Smith

Art Installations Narrative/storytelling Play/Games

La'Kay Hodge

Impressions of Eirhöd

Advisor: Juliette Powell

Narrative/storytelling Play/Games

Xiao Tan

I Will Wait for You Downstairs

A merry go round in a grass land

Advisor: Simone Salvo

Installations Narrative/storytelling Play/Games

Yilin Zhang


Advisor: Sharon De La Cruz

Narrative/storytelling Play/Games VR/AR

Anief Pasha Mohammed

Virtual Transit

Advisor: Juliette Powell

Art Play/Games Sustainability Tool/Service VR/AR

Wenxiao Ding


Advisor: Sharon De La Cruz

Art Installations Performance Play/Games

Sarah Elix

Finding joy through play

A paper sculpture made out of a paper mesh created from a method called kirigami.

Advisor: Adaora Udoji

Art Play/Games

Cat Dinh

Human Centered Evaluation of ChatGPT as a Casual Creator Tool

ChatGPT Comedy Hour

Advisor: Juliette Powell

Machine learning Play/Games Product design