The course concentrates on differential and multistage amplifier, current mirrors, current sources, active loads; frequency response of MOSFET, JFET and BJT amplifiers: Bode plots; feedback amplifiers, gain-bandwidth rule and feedback effect on frequency response; Class A, B and AB output stages; op-amp analog integrated circuits; piecewise-linear transient response; determination of state of transistors; wave-shaping circuits; MOS and bipolar digital design: noise margin, fan-out, propagation delay; CMOS, TTL, ECL; and an alternate week laboratory. The course studies design and analysis of analog integrated circuits, frequency response of amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, TTL and CMOS digital integrated circuits. | Prerequisite for Brooklyn Engineering Students: EE-UY 3114. | Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: EENG-SHU 322. ABET competencies a, c, e, g, k.
Elect. Engineering – ECE UGRD (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 14 Weeks
Sections (Fall 2024)
ECE-UY 3124-000 (11588)
ECE-UY 3124-000 (11589)
ECE-UY 3124-000 (11590)
ECE-UY 3124-000 (11591)
ECE-UY 3124-000 (11592)09/03/2024 – 12/12/2024 Tue,Thu10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (Morning)at Brooklyn CampusInstructed by Knox, Michael