Distributed Ledger Technology: Ethereum, DeFi, and Beyond (BUSF-SHU 274)

One of the most exciting socio-technological developments in the past decade has been the emergence of blockchain technology, and with it the Blockchain Economy. This subset of the digital economy has mostly been driven by the Internet-of-Value (web3.0) where decentralized platforms compete over user’s investments in various blockchain verticals. These include Decentralized Finance (DeFi) – a vibrant decentralized money management ecosystem, NFT’s that promise to overhaul how we consume and invest in art, DAO’s that decentralize business governance, various novel financial instruments such as perpetuals, ERC20’s to disintermediate resource sharing, and many more. Fulfillment: BUSF Non-finance Elective; BUSM Non-marketing Elective; IMB Business Elective. Prerequisite: CSCI-SHU 11 Introduction to Computer Programming. Antirequisite: Students who have taken ECON-SHU 232 Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Money or BUSF-SHU 366 Applications in Entrepreneurial Finance: Fintech are not eligible to enroll.

Business and Finance (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 15 Weeks