“In this course, students focus on the study and development of responsive environments, framed within a contextual and critical exploration of the architectural space as a cultural, social and technological phenomenon, and also on the application of practical scenarios for interaction, sentience, and intelligence. Through the making of creative media designs and physical prototypes, students aim to demonstrate how our habitats/spaces/architectures can facilitate novel frameworks for experiencing and living. The course aims to introduce students to a range of contemporary techniques on interactive and computational system development with a creative and speculative approach, using state-of-the-art development tools, such as Internet of Things, cognitive computing, as well as physical computing and real-time media design. The course consists of lectures (⅓), workshops (⅓), and practical sessions (⅓), and intends to provide a comprehensive and critical understanding both on the theory and practice of designing and implementing technologies for responsive spaces.” Prereq for INTM-SHU 138T is Interaction Lab, Communications Lab, Creative Coding Lab, Application Lab, Media Architecture
Interactive Media Arts (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 16 Weeks