Debates about the role of crime in the media have been among the most sustained and divisive in the field of communications, and they are dependent on a foundation of equally divisive debates about “media influence.” This course will broaden this discussion to consider the culture of crime in relation to conventions of news and entertainment in the mass media, and its larger social and political context. Topics will include crime reporting, the role of place in crime stories, the aesthetics of crime, moral panics and fears, crime and consumer culture, and the social construction of different kinds of crimes and criminals.
Media, Culture & Communication (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 14 Weeks
Sections (Spring 2023)
MCC-UE 9012-000 (12446)
01/26/2023 – 05/05/2023 Wed
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Early afternoon)
at NYU Paris (Global)
Instructed by Wallace, Aurora