This course will focus on designing, creating, and performing with self-built electro-acoustic music systems to explore the limits of human musical expression. Over the semester, students are asked to research examples of contemporary work by creators of musical interfaces and discuss a wide range of issues facing technology in the performing arts. Readings and case studies will provide background for class discussions on the theory and practice of designing gestural controllers for musical performance. Students will invent and prototype a complete system encompassing musical control, mapping input to sound, and the creation of sound itself. Interaction Lab is a prerequisite, however, prior performing experience is not required. The performance discipline is inherently interdisciplinary and collaborative, so an open mind to working with others is imperative. The class will culminate in a performance where students will play their instruments live as well as a formal presentation of the students’ works at the NIME2021 conference hosted by NYU Shanghai. Prerequisite: Interaction Lab Fulfillment: IMA/IMB elective.
Interactive Media Arts (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 16 Weeks