For most students joining IMA in Fall 2022 and beyond, our new program structure affects the categorization of courses on this site.
Classes listed in the "IMA Major Electives" categories refer to the old IMA program structure. If you're under the new IMA program structure, these courses count as general IMA Electives.
You can still search the Interchange for most of your courses. You can find "IMA Major Distribution" courses listed here:
A continuation of Elementary Haitian Kreyòl I, this course develops student’s speaking, reading, and writing skills in Haitian Kreyòl, also called Creole. Haitian Kreyòl is spoken by Haiti’s population of nine million and by about one million Haitians in the U.S. including over 190,000 in the New York City area. In fact, New York City has the second largest population of Kreyòl speakers after Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. We use a communicative approach, balanced with grammatical and phonetic techniques. Classroom and textbook materials are complemented by work with film, radio, and music, as well as with visits to city museums and institutions related to Haiti. At the end of the course, students will be better able to conduct a conversation in Haitian Kreyòl and have a better command of Haitian vocabulary and grammar within a relevant cultural context.
This course introduces students to the language of Haitian Kreyòl, also called Creole, and is intended for students with little or no prior knowledge of the language. Haitian Kreyòl is spoken by Haiti’s population of nine million and by about one million Haitians in the U.S. Including over 190,000 in the New York City area. In fact, New York City has the second largest population of Kreyòl Speakers after Port–‐au–‐Prince, Haiti’s capital. Through this course, you will develop introductory speaking, reading, and writing skills. We use a communicative approach, balanced with grammatical and phonetic techniques. Classroom and textbook materials are complemented by work with film, radio, and especially music (konpa, rasin, twoubadou, rap, raga, levanjil, vodou tradisyonèl, etc.), as well as with visits to city museums and institutions related to Haiti.