This course covers the principles and design of operating systems. Topics include process scheduling and synchronization, deadlocks, memory management including virtual memory, input-output and file systems. Programming assignments.
Computer Science (Undergraduate)
4 credits – 15 Weeks
Sections (Spring 2022)
CSCI-UA 202-000 (7818)
01/24/2022 – 05/09/2022 Mon,Wed
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Late afternoon)
at Washington Square
Instructed by Walfish, Michael
CSCI-UA 202-000 (9186)
01/24/2022 – 05/09/2022 Tue,Thu
12:00 AM – 1:00 PM (Early afternoon)
at Washington Square
Instructed by Gottlieb, Allan
CSCI-UA 202-000 (20844)
01/24/2022 – 05/09/2022 Tue,Thu
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Late afternoon)
at Washington Square
Instructed by Gottlieb, Allan