This course covers reviews networking. Topics: Basic notations of confidentiality, integrity, availability; cryptographic systems, coding and decoding messages. Cryptographic protocols for privacy, integrity, key exchange and access control. TCP/IP security; Firewalls, IPSec; secure ecommerce. Intrusion detection, prevention, response. Advanced topics are included. | Prerequisite for Brooklyn Students: CS-UY 4793 or ECE-UY 3613 or ECE-GY 5373 |Prerequisite for Abu Dhabi Students: CS-UH 3012 or ENGR-UH 3512 | Prerequisite for Shanghai Students: CSCI-SHU 308

Computer Science (Undergraduate)
3 credits – 14 Weeks

Sections (Fall 2024)

CS-UY 3933-000 (15977)
09/03/2024 – 12/12/2024 Mon
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Evening)
at Brooklyn Campus
Instructed by Satt, Mo