> Sculptor, Exhibit Designer, and Founder/Emeritus Director of the
> Children’s Museum of Manhattan is seeking a part-time expert
> digital consultant with expertise in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,
> Quark and Word Perfect to produce several proposals to fund large
> installations by my office and to help complete two catalogues on
> the history of my artwork and a documentation of the art education
> institutions I have founded. (The first project is a one or two
> day project for the week of June 9 -June 13)
> In addition in the future I will be needing a consultant with the
> above skills with the inclusion of Maya, Studio Max, Cad and
> possibly Catia to prepare complex working drawings and models for
> Renewable Energy sculptures and Buildings.
> Fee – $ 15.00 per hour
> Please e-mail me your C.V. including your telephone number. Thank you
> Bette Korman – bettekorman@earthlink.net