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Job: freelance web designer for quick job

This came through a friend, if intereste=
d reply directly to Daniel Cline at He’s got a great design but needs help up=
dating some of the existing pages and doing lay-outs for a few new ones. Qui=
ck turn around, preferably within a few days. 

Project Brief:
eNight is an online destination to=
find Special Offers from local businesses in New York City. Users can sign =
up for Membership of the e-newsletter.
We have the =
concept phase and design phase completed. A designer would need to make=
some slight changes based on a consultation with me. These changes include =
removing elements that involve the social networking aspect that will not be=
developed during this phase, and delivering designs for new pages.

Pages that need attention: 
Home Page (=
Newsletter Page – need design
About Us – need de=
Contact US – need design
Advertise with us – need d=
Terms of Use – need design