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Fwd: KML developer job

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Andrea
> Date: July 18, 2008 11:10:47 AM EDT
> Subject: Seeking KML Developer for Climate Education Project
> Contact:
> Deadline: ASAP
> The Climate Project (TCP, a non-profit climate education group
> created by Al Gore) seeks a KML developer.
> TCP is interested in developing KML files containing current climate
> data and predictions. The KML resources would be used primarily by
> our presenters during their slide shows and on our improved website.
> Examples of content that could be created include (but are not
> limited to):
> * Projected sea level rise in different regions;
> * Potential for different types of renewable energy in
> different regions;
> * Time series showing movement of different climatic zones
> over time;
> * Maps of success stories for our presenters and audience
> members.
> With these resources available to our presenters as well as the
> general public, TCP can strengthen and increase the scope of our
> educational efforts. Our goal is to provide a way for people who
> are not scientists to understand complex scientific data and
> interpret those data to understand the crisis our planet is facing.
> If interested, please email with a resume
> and a work sample.


Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams