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JOB: One day PA gig for ITP Student

> From ITP Alum, Jonny Goldstein

> Production assistant for a 1 day video shoot I’m doing in Manhattan
> on Thurs, July 31.
> The PA will help us set up the shoot, prompt talent with script,
> and help us pack up at the end.
> This will be a fun way to get some experience with video production.
> Pay: $100 + lunch
> Interested people should email me:
> —
> Jonny Goldstein
> 646-209-7204
> Executive Producer and Host
> Jonny’s Par-tay
> The Live Internet TV Talkshow
> Blog:
> Follow me on Twitter:

Midori Yasuda
Admissions, Special Events, Alumni Coordinator
Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP)
Tisch School of the Arts
New York University
721 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York NY 10003
Phone: (212) 998-1882
Fax: (212) 998-1898