This is from an NYU employee who provides services to students who
are deaf or hard of hearing. She is looking to build a simple,
personal website and would like to hire an ITP student. Contact her
> I would like to have a student build me a website that is easy to
> navigate and opens up quickly
> If they can send me their background and cv (resume) as well as
> website building/design philosophy I would appreciate it.
> I provide open captioning for people who are deaf or hard of
> hearing, at NYU for individual students and in other venues via and
> LED sign or video projector for audiences.
> I would like someone who knows how to build in content/keywords so
> that people who do not know exactly what I do, can find me.
> I want to put some pictures on, some of my articles, my bio/cv,
> comments from and links to some of my clients, possibly some
> information about captioning and possibly a design or logo.
> I want, as a layperson, to be easily able to update or change the
> website.
> Please have students put Randi’s website in their email to me. They
> can also feel free to call me.
> Thanks a million,
> Randi C. Friedman, RPR, CCP, CRR
> Tel: 917-561-5326
> Email: