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JOB: need a sound person in January, no pay but good exposure

>> might have a lead on someone who can help me with
>> sound for a video project. The piece is called Plazaville.
>> It’s a series of video clips I am in the process of Shooting. The
>> final
>> piece will be presented as a projection work. At Pace digital
>> gallery here
>> in NYC. Here’s the URL for the scenes thus far —
>> G.H. Hovagimyan
> gh replies:
> I need someone with their own equipment to do sound recording into
> the camera when I’m shooting sequences. This involves good cardoid
> mics for voice, and portable mixing rig, wireless lavaliers, shot
> gun mics etc.. They need to handle the sound on location and
> perhaps help with the final mix down for each video clip. I’m
> looking to shoot 10 sequences. Once a week starting in January.
> Each shoot is around two hours. The sound should be recorded
> direct to camera. Peter suggested a student or an intern. There’s
> no money for this so it’s production credit and a learning
> experience. I can probably call it a semester project if someone
> wants to do it for school credit.
> The key thing is that I think this will get alot of attention.