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Re: Lost my Position!

well we have to hurry up and get our noise in before the grading is
implemented, right?

wait, why are we doing this again?

On Dec 21, 2008, at 8:18 PM, Ruthie Doyle wrote:

> um, are you guys trying to find reasons to write in now??
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Tymm Twillman wrote:
> yes.
> On Dec 21, 2008, at 7:50 PM, Steven Lehrburger wrote:
> (haha)
> one crude metric for determining signal-to-noise ratio might be how
> many words there were in response to a given email… so that would
> penalize people who killed threads and answered questions, and
> reward people who asked lots of questions and started flame wars.
> maybe you could look for ?marks and flag those as questions to make
> things a little more nuanced. but then that leaves us (or, at least,
> those who care) jumping through semantic hoops to ask as many
> questions as possible without the appropriate punctuation. does that
> make any sense
> alternatively, if words-in-response wasn’t considered a good goal,
> you could invert it to reward the first group (who killed threads
> and answered questions) and penalize the second group (who asked
> lots of questions and started flame wars). it of course depends on
> what sort of environment the President of the List wanted to create.
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 7:32 PM, Jorge Just wrote:
> Dimatos, you’re an idiot.
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 5:28 PM, john dimatos
> wrote:
> What I also want is the ability to have individual noise to signal
> ratios for each poster, and an overall list score as well. However
> that would requir e some form of digg like system and since I can’t
> whip out the API/XML fu that @lehrblogger
> Did, georgio justice (that’s his fetish scene nickname ) will deny
> me the genius mantle.
> Dammit!
> Jsd
> Sent from my medulla omblongata
> On Dec 21, 2008, at 1:37 PM, “Jorge Just” wrote:
> Lehrburger, you’re a genius.
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Steven Lehrburger > wrote:
> what we really need for this is word counts per person. i dont think
> google groups have an API, but if you can get the posts as an XML
> feed it would be easy to write something to tally it..?
> (in case anyone needed a 4-in-4 project)
> On 12/21/08, Ruthie Doyle wrote:
> ; ( sorry. bad read-through…cracked out end-of-semester-lag…just
> a typo…
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 4:28 AM, John Dimatos
> wrote:
> DIAMTOS? that’s a first.
> I’ve heard diamatos diamato Dimato DiMato D’amato and damatio but
> never DIAMTOS.
> there should be a social genius with last names for people like you.
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 3:54 AM, Jelani John
> wrote:
> > Towards the end of the semester I started wondering who this
> Ruthie chick
> > was. I had to get someone to point her out.
> > From: Ruthie Doyle
> > Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 3:22 AM
> > To: ITP Students
> > Subject: Re: Lost my Position!
> > !! Am I the only lady?? (Midori so doesn’t count…) # 4!
> > Tymm, you have a life. Just…own it. ; ) You crack me up; funny I
> “met”
> > you for the first time at the show all like, “we’ve met on the
> list.” We’re
> > stuck in front of our screens…
> > The problem with quantitative statistics is that it doesn’t take
> into
> > account posts like some of Diamtos’ that are crazy long and
> complicated.
> > Ok, Syed, we gotta keep teaming up…anymore James lyrics, or
> shall we move
> > on to new plans…?? “Say something, say something, anything/I’ve
> shown you
> > everything/Give me a sign”
> > You can’t say I haven’t tried to be a part of making community!
> > After tomorrow, post-paper, I am totally spending my time with
> trees, kids,
> > cars, Tex-pats, dogs and cameras in the 76 degree sunny weather,
> > XO Ruthie
> >
> > On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Swerdloff
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Where is this again?
> >>
> >> I used to be #1, and I’m itching for a comeback…
> >>
> >> .oO( much to all of your chagrin… )
> >>
> >> :misses MOOs sometimes
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Dec 20, 2008, at 1:49 PM, Corey Menscher wrote:
> >>
> >> Dude. I’m 10th on the “Top Posters” for The List this month. I
> don’t
> >> think I’ve ever been that low:
> >>
> >> 114 tmt…
> >> 85
> >> 80 jelanij…
> >> 78…
> >> 73 midori.yas…
> >> 65 ot…
> >> 62 mh1…
> >> 60 jonat…
> >> 56 ari.l.jos…
> >> 54 corey.mensc…
> >>
> >> You go, Tymm!
> >>
> >> Corey Menscher
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> —
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> —
> >>
> >
> > —
> >
> >
> > —
> >
> —
> ________________________
> Cedant arma togae
> sent from my basal ganglia
> ph. 917.650.5683
> —
> —
> —
> —
> —
> —
> —
> —
> —