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INTERN: IFN Film, unpaid

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IFN Film: Call fo=
r Collaborators

IFN is a brand development and decentralized network=
ing experiment. IFN Film and IFN Music, blogs that feed through an array of =
social networks (including LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook), distribute news=
intended to serve film festival founders, professionals, entrants, and volu=
nteers. Between them, the groups have a 3,500+ following that includes profe=
ssionals from BAM, YouTube, Lionsgate, Last.FM, Raindance, Tribeca, Sundance=
, Disney, and many others from the international community.

In order=
to expand and provide additional value to its members, IFN Film would like =
to invite curators, graphic designers and developers, and topological / cart=
ographic experts to join the team and contribute their talents.

positions are unpaid, but by virtue of the organization=92s structure, invo=
lvement with IFN Film is inherently valuable: members are able to communicat=
e and share one=92s views with the international film festival community.


Online Curator Openings (4)As a curator who knows and loves a discipline, you will create a voice fo=
r yourself on the IFN Film blog (and, thereby, within its network) by identi=
fying news or notable developments in the industry / area of specialization =
on which you focus.

Event Curator
e Event Curator will identify film / animation / hybrid festivals that featu=
re innovative, colorful approaches to what they do and post their findings 2=
-3 times per week.

– BA or MA in Visual Arts, Film=
Studies, or equivalent course of study
– Demonstrable blogging or vloggi=
ng experience
– Understanding of and membership in online social networks=
(Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
– A resume and a brief letter with your i=
mpressions, relevant links, and the direction in which you
p;would like to take the role

– Preexisting interest i=
n, and record of, attending events for personal enjoyment
– Basic to adv=
anced digital photography experience

Contact:, with Event Curator in the subject line


Emerging Technologies Curat=

The Emerging Technologies Curator will find news about new innova=
tions and festivals=92 calls for RFPs, and post updates 2-3 times per week.
– BS or MS in technology related field, or comparab=
le work experience
– Demonstrable blogging or vlogging experience
– U=
nderstanding of and membership in online social networks (Facebook, Twitter,=
– A resume and a brief letter with your impressions, relevant =
links, and the direction in which you
  would like to take the=

– Preexisting interest in reading about latest t=
echnological innovations
– Basic to advanced digital photography experien=

Contact:, with Emerging Technologies Curator in the subject line


Festival Consultation Curator
The Bus=
iness / Consultation Curator will find news pertaining to film festival busi=
ness, and festivals=92 calls for consultation, and post updates 2-3 times pe=
r week.

– BA or MA in technology related field, or=
demonstrable high level of interest
– Prior or current experience consul=
ting film festivals
– Understanding of and membership in online social ne=
tworks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
– A resume and a brief letter with =
your impressions, relevant links, and the direction in which you
bsp;would like to take the role

– Understanding of fil=
m festivals from a business perspective
– Familiarity with the issues tha=
t will catch festival professional=92s attention

Contact:, with Festival Consultat=
ion Curator in the subject line



Travel Curator
The Travel Curator will=
find information about cool and exotic hotels, landmarks, and diversions of=
interest, and post updates 2-3 times per week

– BA=
or MA in Event Planning, Hospitality, or Travel and / or demonstrable exper=
– Demonstrable blogging or vlogging experience
– Understanding =
of and membership in online social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)- A resume and a brief letter with your impressions, relevant links, and th=
e direction in which you
  would like to take the role

– Extensive travel experience
– Multilingual

ct:, with Travel =
Curator in the subject line


Graphic Designer
IFN Film is seeking an experienced graphics and web=
designer with knowledge and previous work experience with platforms / langu=
ages such as InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, (X) HTML CSS, Java, PHP, MySQ=
L and basic unix command line to contribute 2-3 posts per week identifying s=
ites dedicated to exceptional film festival and film sites.

– BA or MA in Visual Arts, Design, or comparable digital disciplin=
– Understanding of and membership in online social networks (Facebook, =
Twitter, LinkedIn)
– Familiarity with industry-standard design resources =
such as FWA and Digital Thread
– A resume and a brief letter with your i=
mpressions, relevant links, and the direction in which you 

  would like to take the role

– S=
trong interest and aptitude in Minimalism, grid work, and typesetting
– =
Demonstrable blogging or vlogging experience

Contact:, with Graphic Design=
er in the subject line

iPhone Developer Openings (2)
IFN Film is seeking two Coc=
oa / Objective C developers consult the organization on iPhone applicat=
ion development. Ideal candidates will enjoy challenges, be remarkably =
detail-oriented, highly competent and multi-faceted, and love creating appli=
cations designed that people use. Strong design sensibility and a sense=
of humor are a plus.

– BS or MS in Com=
puter Science or equivalent experience
– Apple Mac product development ex=
– Extensive experience programming in Cocoa / Objective C
– =
Web Services (SOAP, REST, XML-RPC)
– Based in New York City (working rem=
otely is fine, though)
– Understanding of and membership in online social=
networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

– Knowledge of=
the intricacies of developing for mobile devices
– Provide your resume,=
a few paragraphs about yourself, and 2-3 work samples

tact:, with iPhon=
e Developer in the subject line

Digital Topology / Cartography Instructor or Specialist
you have a strong interest in cartography, or perhaps a preexisting mapping=
project that functions will, but doesn’t have a specific use? IFN Film is s=
eeking an instructor or established professional with a knowledge of practic=
al challenges related to digital cartography to consult the organization on =
application development, as well as the greater implications, both social an=
d technological, of urban navigation services. 

Requirements:- BS or MS in Computer Science, or equivalent experience
– Product dev=
elopment experience.
– Based in New York City and amenable to meeting per=
– Understanding of and membership in online social networks (Fa=
cebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

– Strong knowledge of soci=
ological, and behavioral sciences

Contact:, with Instructor / Specialist in=
the subject line

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