We recently announced the opening of two new software developer positions at the University of Maryland, and I could use your help spreading the word. Our research center (the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities) works on a variety of grant-funded software projects that partner with libraries, museums and scholars. If you know anyone who may be interested in either of the openings, feel free to contact me directly (davelester@gmail.com) or forward this message.
Software Architect/Lead Developer
We’re looking for an experienced developer and software architect to lead the technical direction of all MITH software projects. Their role will be to continue professionalizing our agile development process and help provide technical consultation as we plan and execute future grant-funded projects.
Software Developer, Research & Development
This programmer will focus on building shareable and reusable tools to manage and analyze large bodies of “diggable data,” or structured text. We’re looking for someone creative and experienced to prototype future funded work. Experience with open source would be a big plus.
Further information about the positions can be found here: http://mith.umd.edu/about/jobs/.
Dave Lester, Assistant Director
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
University of Maryland