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[CALL] Call for Participation: Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction – TEI 2013

February 10-13, 2013 in Barcelona, Spain


8 October, 2012: Studio submission deadline
22 October, 2012: Design Challenge submission deadline
1 November, 2012: Graduate Student Consortium submission deadline
5 November, 2012: Arts Track submission deadline
26 November 2012: Work in Progress submission deadline
7 January, 2013: Early Registration deadline

10-13 February, 2013: TEI Conference in Barcelona, Spain

TEI 2013 is the Seventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded,
and Embodied interaction. The work presented at TEI focuses on physical
interaction with computing technology and addresses design challenges,
theories, experiences, systems, and new developments. The intimate size
of this single-track conference provides a unique forum for exchanging
ideas and presenting innovative work through talks, interactive
exhibits, demos, hands-on studios, posters, art installations and

This year TEI will be held in beautiful Barcelona, one of the world’s
leading cities for tourism, gastronomy, commerce, education,
entertainment, media, fashion, science, and the arts.

Research on tangible, embodied and embedded interaction has gained
substantial visibility and activity over the past decade, under many
different names and research topics and disciplines, including tangible
interfaces, graspable interfaces, physical computing, tangible
interaction, IT product design, appliance design and interactive spaces.
It has also been associated with larger research areas, including mixed,
virtual, and augmented reality and ubiquitous and pervasive computing.
TEI brings together this emerging field, providing a meeting ground for
the diverse communities of research and practice – from computing,
hardware, and sensor technology, to HCI, interaction design and CSCW, to
product and industrial design and interactive arts. We invite
submissions from all of these perspectives: theoretical, conceptual,
technical, applied, or artistic. The conference is designed to provide
appropriate presentation forms for different types of contributions.

Accepted submissions of all types will be included in the Proceedings as
papers and will be integrated within the single-track conference.
Interdisciplinary submissions are particularly welcome.


TEI 2013 also invites proposals for studios to be held in multiple
tracks on Sunday, February 10th, 2013. Studios are likely to focus on
hand-on activities that offer new approaches and unexpected experiences
to conference attendees, merging design, arts, tradition and emerging
technologies. Open toanyone who has registered for the conference, each
Studio will accommodatearound 15 participants and additional fees might
be required. Each Studio will be represented by a 4-page extended
abstract that will be included in the Proceedings and published in the
ACM Digital Library. Organizers are also encouraged to arrange for later
publications of a studio’s creative output.

More information about Studios guidelines and submissions at

Get the party started at TEI – Design a fun game or performance that
celebrates tangibility.
Build a new toy, instrument or prop and how to use it in a game, song or
dance. How might the stories of tangible, embedded and enactive
technologies be passed on to the next generation?

More information about SDC guidelines and submissions at

The Arts Track at TEI 2013 aims to attract interactive artworks
exploring digital, virtual and physical connections. The work should be
evocative, thought provoking and content rich. Artworks can range from
Digital interactive installations to all sorts of tangible, embedded and
embodied experiments.
Our Arts Track welcomes work from a wide range of practitioners in areas
such as interaction design, engineering, research or art, including
submissions from students and independent practitioners.

More information about Arts Track guidelines and submissions at

The Graduate Student Consortium (GSC) is a one-day forum in which
graduate students can meet and discuss their work with each other and
with a panel of experienced TEI researchers in an informal and
interactive setting. The GSC will be held on Sunday February 10th, 2012,
the day preceding the main conference, and includes lunch and dinner.
Students give short presentationsabout their work during the consortium,
and also present their work as posters during the main conference.

More information about GSC guidelines and submissions at

* * * * *
Conference Chairs
Sergi Jordà (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Narcís Parès (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)

Program Chairs
Martin Kaltenbrunner (University of Art and Design Linz, Austria)
David Kirk (Newcastle University, UK)
Paul Marshall (University College London, UK)

Arts Track Chairs
Alvaro Cassinelli (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Roc Parès (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Josep Perelló (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

Graduate Student Consortium chairs
Tom Moher (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Yvonne Rogers (Open University, UK)

Demo chairs
Pau Alsina (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)
Marti Sánchez Fibla (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)

Design Challenge chairs
William “Bill” Verplank (CCRMA, Stanford University, USA)

Studio chairs
Sebastián Mealla C. (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Carmen Platero Vaquez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)

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