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[INTERN] fall/winter @g33ktalk

Contact: is looking for energetic CS students for an internship opportunity. At g33ktalk, we’re building an international community of top software engineers with startup ambitions, and students that participate in our internship program experience the opportunity to grow their personal and professional network through our deep relationships with the NYC and San Francisco Bay tech startup communities.

This is not an ordinary internship, and we’re screening applicants based on two main criteria: 1.) CS students with a hunger for new software development technologies and frameworks (not hard to find), and, 2.) CS students that are entrepreneurially inclined and are interested not just in coding, but also in picking up valuable startup skills during their internship opportunity (more difficult to find).

Basically, if you’re interested in being exposed to the latest software development technologies – Node.js, Python, Rails, MongoDB, Redis, Hadoop, etc. – plus, you’re looking for broader experience in what it takes to get an early stage startup off the ground, this could be a good fit for you.

Potential internship projects include: web platform development and integration, online publishing, marketing and audience development, video/audio recording & editing. Our audience is composed of highly technical software engineers, and everything we do is driven by high-quality tech content, savvy application of modern online technologies and customer driven startup iteration.

If you meet our two main criteria above, and you’re interested in an amazing experience interning with a technology oriented company led by experienced entrepreneurs that are seeking to serve the broader tech/startup community, please let us know and we’d love to speak with you.