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[CALL] LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference – Deadline Extension 2/17/13

The Linux Audio Conference submissions deadline has been extended! It is now February 17th, 2013 (23:59 HAST)

So, if you were considering to submit a paper but couldn’t make up your mind yet, here is your chance to become active! Never forget that this conference lives through the people participating in it.

FEBRUARY 17th is the new deadline for all submission types: papers, music, installations, workshop proposals.

Check out the link below more info:

Please spread this information to anyone who might be interested.
If you have any questions, drop us a line at

We are looking forward to seeing you in Graz in May!
Thanks and happy last-minute music-and-paper-submissions,

on behalf of the LAC2013 organization team,
IOhannes m zmoelnig

LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference
May 9-12, 2013 @ IEM, Graz/Austria

Call for papers, music, installations and workshops
Extended deadline for paper-submissions: February 17th, 2013 (23:59 HAST)
Extended deadline for music/sound-installation submissions: February 17th, 2013 (23:59 HAST)
Original deadline for paper-submissions: February 4th, 2013
Original deadline for Music/sound-installation submissions: February 4th, 2013
Notification of acceptance: March 6th, 2013
Deadline for camera-ready paper: March 25th, 2013
Call for Papers
Papers can be submitted for review via the online paper submission system. Please use the available templates for papers. The zip includes templates for LaTeX and OpenOffice/LibreOffice as well as rendered PDFs with information about margins and layout.
Papers must be written and presented in English, 4—8 pages, with abstract (50—200 words) and up to 5 keywords. In general a presentation should take 25—30 minutes followed by 5 minutes discussion.
The copyright of the paper remains with the author, but we reserve the right to create printed proceedings from all submitted (and accepted) papers.
Below is a list of possible subjects for papers and presentations. This list is meant as a starting point, not to restrict you.
Spatial AudioEducationLive PerformanceAudio Hardware SupportSignal ProcessingMusic CompositionAudio LanguagesSound SynthesisAudio PluginsMIDILive CodingMusic ProductionLinux KernelPhysical ComputingInterface DesignLinux DistributionsNetworked AudioVideoMobile AudioGamesMedia ArtLicensingAndroid Audio…
We very much welcome practical papers or software demos that outline artistic creative processes or workflows based on Linux audio applications or systems (“how I use Linux Audio applications to create my music/media art”).
Not all papers need to directly address Linux Audio. There is no limitation for subjects from related fields like audio/visual research and open-content.
NB. Papers should be as complete as possible on submission. Until submission closes it is possible to replace/update files in the openconf system. Submissions will be peer-reviewed and after the notification of acceptance there is a small time-window for updates and last-minute changes.
Call for Music, Installations and Workshops
Music, Installations and Workshops can be submitted for review via the online music/installations/workshops submission system. Please download the complete Call for Music, Installations and Workshops document with all the details before trying to submit. In short, we are looking for music and sound art that has been produced or composed entirely or mostly using GNU/Linux music software for:
The Electroacoustic Music Concerts (fixed media or live performance works)
The Linux Sound Night
The Radio Listening Lounge (fixed media (stereo) only)
Radio Miniatures
Audio/visual installations