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[JOB] Basic Web Development, NYU Council for the Study of Disability

The Council for the Study of Disability needs a student worker to assist in the update of its website and in the management of its listserv. The student must know HTML, CSS, and basic Javascript. The work load is fairly light, but when updates, changes, and mailings need to be made they should happen in a timely manner.  The site is currently static, so it would be great if the student had an interest in potentially navigating the university and taking a leadership role in migrating the site to a content management system.  The student would initially be trained by me, however would be working with others from the Disability Council. It would also be ideal if applicants are currently in their second semester / first year, and would be interested in taking this position for three semesters (while I’m away in Shanghai)

The pay if $20/hour. Everyone is very pleasant to work with.
Applicants who are interested should send an email (with links, skills, interests, abilities) to me (
