I’m writing to ask if you could please help spread the word about our two current open residency calls. Please invite qualified people to apply and also we’d appreciate you sharing it with your online (and off) networks. We want to make sure we get a very diverse group of applicants.
— The general Eyebeam residency call has a deadline of June 14, only 10 days from now. We’ve changed the format a bit: “Eyebeam is throwing open its Residency program to a single line of inquiry: what is most important now? We are asking you — the digital creators, hacker artists, creative technologists, instigating curators, researchers and cultural producers — what are the developments that are most in need of support?”.
— Eyebeam has also launched a collaborative residency program with Public Knowledge, a public interest advocacy organization in Washington, DC that seeks to ensure that copyright law and communications policy promote creativity, free speech, and democratic values. This is a really exciting chance for someone with the right skills and interests to make a big impact in the realm of art and public policy. The deadline for application is June 28.
Here’s the link to our tweet today, for an easy re-tweet: https://twitter.com/eyebeamnyc/status/341912840657068033