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[CALL] Talks/Sponsors, Open Hardware Summit

The Open Hardware Summit (OHS) invites submissions for the fourth annual summit, to be held on September 6, 2013 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Open Hardware Summit is a venue to present, discuss, and learn about open hardware of all kinds. The summit examines open hardware and its relation to other issues, such as software, design, business, law, and education. We are seeking submissions for talks, posters, and demos from individuals and groups working with open hardware and related areas. Submissions are due by JUNE 21, 2013 by 11:59pm (EST). Notification of accepted proposals will happen by July 19th, 2013.

Extensive Information on How to Apply is available at the Website:

Topics of interest for the summit include, but are not limited to:

  •     Digital fabrication
  •     Means of supporting collaboration and community interaction
  •     Open source business and legal models
  •     Manufacturing models
  •     Open Source Hardware Licenses
  •     Software/Hardware
  •     Sustainability
  •     Communities of Practice
  •     Other topics related to the intersection openness and hardware