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[WORKSHOP] Boston University Storytelling with Data Workshop – July 2014

Is storytelling a key part of your business, but you don’t know how to harness the reams of datasets released daily?  Do you want to learn from experienced investigative reporters how to effectively mine data for your organization? Are you looking for new, free tools to help you display your message with data in a more compelling way?


Then register now for Boston University’s inaugural Storytelling with Data workshop in July and learn how to harness data to rev up your professional prospects.  We have limited seats available; please reserve your spot online now.

The contextual, visually powerful use of big data is the backbone of many good stories, messages and campaigns. And as leaders in the burgeoning field of data science explain, their work is nothing short of telling powerful stories:

 A Data Scientist’s Real Job:  Storytelling.

So please join us to learn key steps towards making data work for you in a compelling fashion – whether it’s for a grant proposal you are writing, a new business pitch, an article or book or an advertising campaign to reach a new market.


For more information: