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[GIG] eMotion Programmers Needed for a Theater Project

My name is Ignacio Garcia-Bustelo and I will be directing a play scheduled to open on May 21st at IATI Theater, with a company called AENY – Spanish Artists in New York, (
The play “Ronensbourgh”, is a very experimental piece with an interesting premise (dystopia/utopia), and we are seeking a programmer for a software called eMotion, a tool for creating interactive motions of objects for live visual performances.
I just wanted to reach out and see if there would be any available/interested programmers at all in collaborating with us?
Please contact me to know more details about the project.
Thank you very much in advance for your attention in any case, and please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Very best,

Ignacio Garcia-Bustelo
Artistic Director
AENY – Spanish Artists in New York