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[JOB] Arduino programming and consulting needed for project, BRDG Studios

Contact: Peter – BRDG Studios <>
Hello Ardiuno Programmers,
My name is Peter Brodhead and I co-own BRDG Studios.  We specialize in bringing digital moments to life in retail and event activation in NYC, LA and Chicago.  We have a growing need for ardiuno based sensors which would deliver information from various real world events to our TouchDesigner systems and would like to talk with you about working together on a few projects.
The current project we are pitching involves a 30′ x 25′ LED Floor which will react to a user wearing a specific pair of shoes that has a passive RFID chip inside the sole.  We need someone to program and install the RFID Powered sensors in the floor so we can understand where the shoe is located in an XY axis and then transmit that data to another computer which is running TouchDesigner and will parse the information and display graphics we create accordingly.
This is just a pitch, but we have many wacky requests from our clients and need people like you to help us figure out the real world sensor or motor control interfacing so our TouchDesigner computers can control or sense real world things happening.
Our website has our latest projects to give you an idea of what we have been up to.