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JOB: Girls Club, Part-time, Maker Shop Teacher

Girls Club New York needs a Maker Shop Teacher!

The Lower Eastside Girls Club of New York has an opening for a Maker Shop teacher for this fall. Let us know if you might be interested in helping out.

Schedule for the fall is still being worked out, but here is a description of the position:

Teaching middle school girls, one or two classes a week 

After school from 4pm to 6pm 

Ten to twelve girls in each class

Commitment for at least one 8 week session. Sessions continue through the school year.

Work with another teacher and assistant to teach Arduino basics, simple coding, soldering, 2D and 3D design, 3D printing and CNC milling, interactive or animated exercises 


Knowledge of Arduino systems and code, Maker shop tools and procedures, 3D printing, ability to come up with cool engaging projects

Depending on your skills, one class may involve Unity, VR, simple 3D animation, and projection in our planetarium!

This is a paid position, hourly rate TBD


402 East 8th Street, NY NY


Dave Pentecost, Director of Technology and Planetarium programs