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CALL: Shall Make Shall Be Exhibition

I’m excited to announce “Shall Make, Shall Be,” an exhibition of playable works centered on the individual amendments in the US Bill of Rights. Ten artists and game makers will receive $5,000 commissions to create playable works addressing an individual amendment.

The deadline for phase 1 proposals is August 8. More information, as well as a link to the submission form, is available here:

We’re living in a particular moment in which increased attention and pressure falls on the US Constitution. At the core of this is the Bill of Rights, the ten amendments that lay out the foundation for American understanding of individual rights. Through this exhibition, we hope to support artists and game makers in the creation of playable works that critically engage with individual amendments.

This project is organized through generous funding and support from the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO For Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University.