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JOB: Animated Ecologies and Colloquium on Indigenous Art and Advocacy

As part of the NYU community, I was wondering if anyone at ITP might be interested in this website and app development opportunity at Animated Ecologies (


Animated Ecologies is a global arts, animation and sustainable photography project, with a focus on helping the under-represented and disadvantaged gain education, access and technical support with digital storytelling. We also work in the arts education pace at institutions such as the Royal College of Art in London, Pathshala in Dhaka, VGIK Film School in Moscow providing training and collaborative opportunities in impact filmmaking.


On February 24th, AE will be hosting a Colloquium on Indigenous Art and Advocacy in conjunction with Global Liberal Studies program at NYU and Contingencies: a journal of global pedagogy. Bringing together indigenous people and organizations from several of our partnership areas, the materials brought together will cover a range of forms including music, mural creation, performance, film and video.


We are looking for someone interested in helping us develop a website and community hub that curates and archives this event and provides an ongoing environment where we can connect indigenous communities with technical , production and distribution support for their ongoing work through Film Corp, our volunteer community of professional impact filmmakers. The position would involve full creative crediting and can be conducted as a volunteer position, or as a more formally monitored internship.


Animated Ecologies was founded by Sean Eve, Clinical Associate Professor, Liberal Studies, NYU and Edd Carr, co-founder of Northern Sustainable Darkroom, a photographic collective and advocacy organization based in Leeds, UK.


If you feel this opportunity would be appropriate for a graduate student or possibly an undergraduate upperclassman in your program and you would like more information, please contact: Sean Eve, at , 518-894-6967, or Lynn Alison Wachman, Advisor/Organizational Liaison, at, 302-383-1249.

Presenters at the Colloquium include:


Rena Priest, Poet Laureate of Washington State, member of the Lummi Nation, storyteller and performer;


Ivan Sanjines, Co-founder of Ashoka and creator of Indigenous TV, a cultural political organization bringing together dozens of different indigenous groups in Bolivia;


Kydana Ignateva, Curator of the contemporary art festival, LETO Yakutia, who works with mural arts and other forms of creative expression to support within the Yakut communities in North Eastern Russia;


Andre Bouchard, of Kootenai/Ojibwa/Pend d’Orielle/Salish descent, and the Director ofIndigenous Performance Productions, a company that runs First Nation music and storytelling events across the United States;


Loretta Fernandez, Visiting Professor, University of Pittsburgh, who is working with a team from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Carnegie Mellon University and member of the Yupik and Gwich’in speaking communities on a video game project to combat language extinction;


Robert Ailton Willard, the Director of the World Aral Region Charity, whose organization is working with members of the Karakalpak minority in Uzbekistan on musical and performancecentered testimonial projects;


Andrea Duarte, Co-founder of Outra Margem, an indigenous art, performance and filmmaking collective in San Paolo, Brazil;


Ailten Krenak, Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora. and a leading indigenous philosopher, whose work is connected to at-risk communities in the Amazon.



Thank you so much for your time.


Sean Eve, Director

Animated Ecologies