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Recruit: Fully funded PhD opportunities at Hong Kong Univ of Science and Technology, Computational Media and Arts program

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and help setup a new department called Computational Media and Arts (CMA) in our new campus in Guangzhou, China. We are currently recruiting for our third cohort of PhD students and the ITP alumni are just the type of students we want to fund to do research with us!

If you were ever interested in doing a fully funded PhD in computational media and arts please read on. All accepted students will get full scholarship that covers tuition as well as all living expenses.  We offer both traditional and arts-practice PhDs.

The perks:

  • Very generous stipend and full tuition paid for 4 years

  • Exclusive access to 2,000 sq. meter (22k sq feet) brand new lab facilities with all the latest tools


    • XR studio

    • immersive studio / mocap studio

    • performance space / exhibition space

    • video production studio

    • sonic arts studio

    • massive makerspace!

  • HKUST is ranked 34th in the world and 8th in Asia (source QS)

  • International, world class faculty and more top international hires on the way

  • Exciting areas of research (AR/VR, sonic arts, performance, AI, Robotics)

  • HKUST is an English-speaking university
  • Campus flats available for Phd students
  • Ample time provided for research/arts practice
  • Great community of interdisciplinary, international staff & students
  • Family-friendly campus

If all this sounds exciting read more about what you’ll get if you join here:

Application deadline is 1st March.

If you find this exciting, drop me a line and let’s discuss 🙂 (

Dr Theo Papatheodorou

Professor of Practice in Computational Media Arts
Computational Media and Arts Department
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ)