A friend is looking for a developer with experience in web AR to help him out with his latest body of work. I’m not familiar with his budget but it might be an interesting Gig for a student. if the description below seems interesting to them, they can reach him out directly: Shinji Murakami – snjmrkm@gmail.com
Here is the description:
I’m looking for a web developer who’s good with JavaScript for a browser-based AR project. The project is running an ATARI(*old video game console, not sure if you know though) emulator in a browser-based AR written in JavaScript.The current prototype is built by those three followings.Javatari, ATARI emulator https://javatari.org/ARnft, AR marker creator https://github.com/webarkit/ARnft The current prototype works fine but two major issues I’d like to fix.1. It doesn’t work on iOS 15 at all and I want it workable since I knew almost 80% of users updated to 15.2. Disable full screen. Every time the camera recognizes the AR marker, the display goes full screen and I need to close it.The attached log is from when the camera with iOS 15 was pointed at the AR marker. It recognizes it, but it’s getting an error at line 298 where the video (the screen running the emulator) is not playing. If your iOS version is 14 or Android phones, you can test with this link, the first attachment is the current AR marker.