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JOB: Adjunct teaching Technology Ethics at Fordham

The CIS department of Fordham is looking for an adjunct teaching CS4650, a course about computer and technology ethics, in the Fall of 2023. This course is offered at Lincoln Center campus and meets twice a week. The following is the course description:

CISC 4650. Cyberspace: Issues and Ethics. (4 Credits)

This Senior Values/Eloquentia Perfecta 4 course explores issues of personal and social morality in the context of the technological developments related to the use of information and communication technology. We will survey a range of issues raised by the Internet and the World Wide Web, such as freedom of expression, privacy, intellectual property, and cybercrime. We will look at the influence of applications such as electronic mail, search engines, social media, e-commerce, and cryptography on the well-being of society and individuals. This course will equip the student with the tools needed to navigate the ethical complexities of life in the information age, whether as a professional in a field related to information technology or as a consumer of this technology. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.


And the link for this position on Indeed is :