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[CALL] Future of Storytelling


I wanted to send a quick reminder about the two Future of Storytelling initiatives that are nearing their deadlines.
FoST Prize: Just one week left to apply for the Future of Storytelling Prize. Deadline is August 1st. FoST is looking for projects across all mediums innovating in the art and form of storytelling. This includes interactive films, Virtual Reality, Narrative based games, interactive installations and more. The landscape is constantly changing and FoST wants to support the innovators pushing the boundaries in this space. For more information about judges, incentives and application guidelines please go here.
FoST Fellow: Deadline for applying to be a FoST fellow is August 15th. FoST is looking to bring and support 5 creators under the age of 26 who are also working in the field of innovative storytelling. More information and application procedures can be found here .
Please help us spread the word and send to anyone who might be interested. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Best wishes,