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JOB: Pro-Am Inc coding job

>> Pro-Am Inc, a small, international branding agency, is searching
>> for a coder to work for 4 weeks p/t, offsite, with scheduled
>> meetings onsite, to do some heavy back end coding of a web site
>> tool a la Nike ID/mini cooper selector in flash and xml. The site
>> is for a furniture company to allow their users to customize
>> online a new office chair, by selection of feature, color, and
>> fabric; and inspect their choices in 3 views as they work. Once
>> finished, the user can download the image of the chair in all
>> three views.
>> For this version, the user will not be able to save, upload, or
>> retrieve their selection in the future.
>> Pay for the project is a flat fee TBD.
>> Project to start week of May 1 and finish June 11.
>> contact Nancy Nowacek