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Re: university teaching jobs-where to find them?

This list is a good place. Once in a while there are postings about
a last minute class that needs to be filled. Let everyone know that
you are interested. Also, look at the programs in which you would
like to teach, figure out if you offer something they currently
don’t, and try to meet someone who teaches there, or runs that
program. There are great private schools in NYC that run courses
that may very well be at a university, so also look there.

If you have no teaching experience, then look at community colleges,
or technical colleges. The four-year art/design and graduate schools
will always require teaching experience.

We also have a listserve for alumni who teach, so you should come on
over and ask each of us how we started off! itp-alumni-teachers

I’m blanking out on how one joins the list, but let me know if you
are interested & I’ll figure it out.


On Aug 13, 2008, at 10:25 PM, Liz Gallo wrote:

> hey list,
> i was wondering how one would go about looking for university
> teaching jobs aside from searching schools websites. especially, if
> you only want to teach a class.
> thanks,
> ~liz
> —