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Re: paying gig if got a Solution for Web Captioning for Brightcove Flash Player

Hi, Pollie.

I MAY have a solution for you. I just sent your message out to a friend in the CC space. If he can help your client, either I or a member of my friend’s staff will reach out to you.

All the best,


—– Original Message —–
From: Pollie Barden
Date: Friday, October 17, 2008 12:02 pm
Subject: paying gig if got a Solution for Web Captioning for Brightcove Flash Player
To: ITP Alumni

> HI All Wise Ones,
> Got this inquiry from a client. If you got a solution for their captioning
> it could a steady paying gig. See Patricia’s description of the problem
> below. Contact her at
> Thanks,
> Pollie
> —————————————————————–
> Hi Pollie,
> I have a client who has asked about captioning for the web using a
> brightcove flash player. They have a player that plays the flash
> video, then
> below it, plays the captions in a separate box (approx size 279×58). They
> captioned one video by hand, and and found that it is very hard work,
> and
> are looking to see if it can be done more systematically. You can see
> that
> video here: *
> *They also sent me the attached sample of what they created, and would
> like
> to know if something similar can be delivered. I’ve contacted two of my
> major caption providers and they said they don’t currently have a system
> that exports this type of file and now I’m putting the word out to see
> if
> there is an individual you might know who is familiar with this. If
> you know
> of anyone you can put in touch with me, I’d be very interested. This could
> be a great opportunity as this client is looking to caption many more
> of
> their online videos.
> Thanks,
> Patricia
> —
> Patricia Young
> (212)213-3740 Tel
> *
> *
> —