> Research Associate position at Future-instruments.net is available
> Future-Instruments.net is a collaborative research network active
> in the field of new musical interfaces and interactive
> technologies. It currently includes people from three institutions
> in Switzerland: the Music Conservatory of Geneva, the Swiss Federal
> Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), and the University of
> Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO). In order to expand
> our team we are looking for a
> Computer Vision specialist.
> The candidate will be responsible for the Computer Vision group at
> the eMbedded Information Systems Institute (MIS), which is part of
> the HES-SO campus in Yverdon-les-Bains, near Lausanne. In
> particular, the person will be responsible for a new project
> starting in the beginning of 2009, in collaboration with other
> members of the Future-Instruments network, and aiming at creating
> new tangible interfaces for music education and entertainment by
> using a multi-touch table and visually tagged game cards. The work
> will involve combining the Multi-Touch Everywhere technology
> developed at MIS with topological fiducial recognition conducted at
> EPFL (d-touch technology).
> For more info about the position: http://www.future-instruments.net/
> fr/08-12-10.html
> For more info about Future-Intruments.net: http://www.future-
> instruments.net
> If you are interested, please contact alain.crevoisier@heig-
> vd.ch
> Alain Crevoisier
> _____________________________________________________________
> MSc in Engineering, MA in Digital Art, Project Leader
> New Musical Interfaces and Interactive Technologies
> University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
> School of Business and Engineering, Vaud (HEIG-VD) &
> Music Conservatory of Geneva (HEM-GE)
> Tel.: +41 (0)22 319 60 89 (Fixed)
> Tel.: +41 (0)78 898 24 64 (Mobile)
> Mail: alain.crevoisier@heig-vd.ch
> Web: www.future-instruments.net