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JOB: Soldering job for the Wooster Group

> Soldering job for The Wooster Group – $25 / hr (rate negotiable)
> The Wooster Group, that crazy experimental performance ensemble,
> needs it’s Soundcraft Series 5 sound board to sound better!
> About 25 capacitors on individual channel modules need to be
> desoldered and new ones need to be resoldered in their place. The
> soldering is through-hole type.
> Wooster is willing to pay $25 / hr.
> The location is at our space at 33 Wooster St. between Grand and
> Broome.
> The job needs to be done before Monday and nights and this weekend
> are best.
> It’s an expensive board, so you should be a good solderer.
> Contact Matt Schloss at 440-781-8589 or
> Thanks!
> feel free to pass this on.

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